moshekaplan / palo_alto_firewall_analyzer

Python scripts for reviewing Palo Alto Firewall configurations
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Write script to find all rules involving either one or two CIDR blocks or IPs #75

Open moshekaplan opened 10 months ago

moshekaplan commented 10 months ago

to find all rules between two specific CIDR blocks.I have created a code. it might help you to understand

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETimport panxapi '''# Panorama connection detailspanorama_host = ""panorama_user = "admin"panorama_password = "  "
# Initialize PAN-OS API connection to Panoramaxapi = panxapi(api_username=panorama_user, api_password=panorama_password, hostname=panorama_host,verify=False)
#xapi = -h -l ***@***.***! -k
# Perform an API request to get all security policiesxpath = ***@***.******@***.***='vsys1']/rulebase/security/rules")
try:    response = xapi.get(xpath=xpath)    if response is None:        raise Exception("Empty response from the API.")except Exception as e:    print(f"Error: {e}")    exit()
'''# Parse the XML responseroot = ET.parse("3882.xml")#print(root)
# Iterate through the security rulesfor rule in root.findall(".//entry"):    source_objects = []    destination_objects = []        # Get the source and destination objects of the rule    for element in rule.findall(".//source/member"):        source_objects.append(element.text)    for element in rule.findall(".//destination/member"):        destination_objects.append(element.text)        # Check if any source or destination object falls within the specified IP range    in_range = False    for obj in source_objects + destination_objects:        subNetMask = obj.startswith("10.0.0.") and int(obj.split('/')[1])        if obj.startswith("10.0.0.") and (subNetMask >= 8) and (subNetMask <= 20):            in_range = True            break        if in_range:        # Print the rule name and other relevant information        # rule_name = rule.find(".//tag").text        rule_name = rule.attrib        print(f"Rule Name: {rule_name}")        print(f"Source Objects: {', '.join(source_objects)}")        print(f"Destination Objects: {', '.join(destination_objects)}")        print("\n")
# Disconnect from the Panorama device#xapi.logout()