Updates to overall process and scripts constituting the tentative v0.5 release:
General script cleanup and fixes
Fix RAM auto-tune
Offer 27GB (3390-27) disk type; improve DASD creation
Switch to template-based preseed and hercules.cnf creation. Only create config during initial installation; don't overwrite user changes on future runs
Fix wget/curl detection; improvements to ISO download and mount
Use a Hercules built with ./herc4x/lib and ./herc4x/lib/hercules runpath; include build script for reference
Run as regular user, not with sudo or as root. Run specific commands with sudo
Detect installation success
Only make one log file per script per run
Don't remove write permissions on anything -- we want user to be able to easily rm this entire directory without trouble if they want to
Updates to overall process and scripts constituting the tentative v0.5 release: