moskewcz / boda

Boda: A C++ Framework for Efficient Experiments in Computer Vision
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Code indentation #27

Open aryamazaheri opened 6 years ago

aryamazaheri commented 6 years ago

I am trying to find the right way to see the code with the correct indentation. But, I couldn't find a solution yet. In every editor (vim, emacs, sublime, CLion) which I tried, I see 2 spaces indentation and sometimes I also spot a tab indentation. For instance, in line 75, I see a tab at the beginning of the line. But other lines have mostly 2 space indentation. Would you please correct me if I am wrong?

moskewcz commented 6 years ago

in short: the indentation isn't wrong per-se, but it is non-standard in two ways: the basic offset is 2, and there's a mix of tabs and spaces for indenting. hows that for a terrible compromise solution in the tabs-vs-spaces war?

so in any editor, if you set tab stops to be 4 spaces and the basic offset to 2, it should render correctly. there are also a couple minor indenting rule changes i made too, but maybe they don't matter too much. see my .emacs file for the full details:

now, going forward, there are couple ideas for improvement, with various levels of disruption:

since things can't really get worse, i don't think it matters if new code uses tabs+spaces or just spaces. just tabs isn't an option, since the basic offset is 2, and i don't think anyone proposes switch tab stops to 2 in a case like this? or do they?

as for the backstory, it's simple: long ago, i set my default basic indentation offset to 2 (as in the .emacs file), and i guess this monstrosity was the result ...

aryamazaheri commented 6 years ago

I strongly agree that the code style should be standardized. At the moment, I can confirm that the code could be rendered correctly with Vim and Emacs. But not with Sublime, IntelliJ or other GUI editors. I tried to specify the right configurations, but it didn't work.

My suggestions are:

What are your concerns about picking the right time for applying such modifications?

moskewcz commented 6 years ago

i'd say, first things first, it's good that you see things working in vim and emacs. then, i'm not clear why there would be an issue in other editors. since that's maybe the most important thing, lets deal with that first; i'd rather spend a little time tweaking editor settings (or at least trying to) prior to making any other changes.

for example, the default tab size is 4 in sublime text (and most editors) AFAIK, so i'm not sure why there would be a rendering issue. or do you mean auto-indent fails? for that, yeah, you'd certainly need to change some settings ... can you give more details on what fails and what you tried? i'm willing to do a little testing/experimentation with sublime (and/or other editors) if need be.

for the rest:

aryamazaheri commented 6 years ago

OK. I addressed the issue related to tabs with Editorconfig. I created a new pull request ready for review.

moskewcz commented 6 years ago

yep, thanks! i dunno how i got it in my head that the 'global default' tab width was 4, but yeah, it's certainly 8, and i didn't do anything weird there (thankfully!). sorry for the confusion! i guess we can leave this issue open until we resolve at least the tabs-to-spaces global conversion (after we decide how to deal with outstanding branches, either by merging them, deciding it's okay for them to be stale and/or figuring out how to rebase/fix them post tabs-to-spaces).

aryamazaheri commented 6 years ago

OK. Sounds good.