moskewcz / boda

Boda: A C++ Framework for Efficient Experiments in Computer Vision
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LeNet example #9

Open chaeseok opened 8 years ago

chaeseok commented 8 years ago

Can I run the LeNet example in boda? Then what the cli_str look like and how can I build files in the BodaFullyConvNets directory?

moskewcz commented 8 years ago

To clarify:

Also, there is no BodaFullConvNets directory in the boda distribution either, so it's confusing to ask about that here without explanation of what it is. But, assuming you mean the set of pre-trained models i provided to you over email that match the net definitions in the boda/nets directory:

However, boda does nominally aim to provide a working InnerProduct->Convolution layer conversion utility, cnet_fc_to_conv:

So, if you have issues with that mode (which is likely since it is used rarely, not documented beyond it's internal help message, not too well tested, and not too robust), please submit it. I am interested in increasing the quality of such modes over the long term.