moski / gist-Blogger

Adding Gist support to blogger dynamic view
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Gists not displaying in Internet Explorer (IE10) #4

Open iskernel opened 11 years ago

iskernel commented 11 years ago

I can't manage to get the gists loading on my blog when I use Internet Explorer (IE 10). Also I've tried viewing posts containings gists from other blogs with IE and encountered the same problem.

JayBazuzi commented 10 years ago

I have the same problem.

To reduce the impact of this issue, and to deal with any other gist-blogger failures, I make a link to the blogger, like this:

<div class="gistLoad" data-id="9867358" id="gist-9867358">Loading <a HREF="">Gist 9867358</A></div>
JayBazuzi commented 10 years ago

I know very little about web programming, but I added window.alert() in my page's HTML, in gistLoader, and gistBlogger. In Chrome, they all appeared as I expected. In IE, the ones in gistLoader/gistBlogger did not appear.

From that the <script src=""> I added to my page is completely ignored by IE.