moskinson / grails-plugin-google-analytics

Plugin for embed Google Analytics in your Grails app
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Unable to use plugin with grails 3 #3

Open j4y opened 6 years ago

j4y commented 6 years ago

It appears this plugin has been updated to work with grails 3, but my attempts to use it have failed.

> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':runtime'.
   > Could not find org.grails.plugins:google-analytics:3.0.1.

It looks like this bintray user is hosting a release:

Do I need to do my own release to bintray in this case? I'm not sure I can trust the mozaiclabs version.

moskinson commented 6 years ago

Hi j4y,

thank you for reaching out.

It was another contributor that updated the plugin and I don't have the time to check it. I would appreciate if you could create a pull request with the fix.

thanks again!