moson-mo / pacseek

A terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages
MIT License
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Text selection by mouse #32

Closed Ashark closed 6 months ago

Ashark commented 7 months ago


Thank you, this is really a cool project. I just accidentally saw it in the Brodie Robertson video. Bad that I did not know about it before.

How can I select the text with my mouse? For example, I want to copy paste someone's PKGBUILD or just copy the package name. When I try doing that, nothing happens.

killajoe commented 7 months ago

depending more on what your terminal emulator offers ;)

Ashark commented 7 months ago

I am using Yakuake - Konsole in KDE.

killajoe commented 7 months ago

hmmm seems not possible no clue if it was like that before.. @moson-mo should tell ;)

Ashark commented 7 months ago

I have noticed that when I hold Shift, then I can select kinda. But the whole horizontal line is selected, without taking the panel into account.

killajoe commented 7 months ago

seems to be by design and yea same here this is working holding shift cursor changed to copy mode..

moson-mo commented 7 months ago

Offering mouse support as well text selection is somewhat tricky. There is actually a feature request here:

If you have the need to copy content from the PKGBUILD, you can switch to an external program for displaying. See