mosra / m.css

A no-nonsense, no-JavaScript CSS framework, site and documentation theme for content-oriented websites
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Doxygen: m.css ignores `constexpr="yes"` attribute #226

Closed marzer closed 2 years ago

marzer commented 2 years ago


This is a replay of our discussion here.

The gist is that newer doxygen versions have added constexpr="yes", I guess with a view to removing the constexpr keyword leaking into the type? It doesn't seem to do that consistently (because of course it doesn't), but in cases where it does correctly omit constexpr from the type and set the attribute accordingly, m.css no longer displays the lovely little blue constexpr badge.

marzer commented 2 years ago

Oh, almost forgot! Here's some XML with the new attribute: structtoml_1_1time.xml.txt

This was generated by Doxyen 1.9.2 and m.css @ 6f5c7d5 (current at time of writing).