mosra / m.css

A no-nonsense, no-JavaScript CSS framework, site and documentation theme for content-oriented websites
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Changes to my content files do not reflect on the rendered website #244

Closed jegrami closed 1 month ago

jegrami commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing two issues I suspect are related to the m.css plugins. This is similar to the closed issue #181

  1. When I make changes to the content of my articles, they don't reflect on the served website.
  2. When I use the special directives provided by the m.css reST plugins (note-dim::, note-info::, note-primary::, gh, etc) in my articles, they also don't reflect on the website.

In my settings file, CACHE_CONTENT and LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE are both set to False. And the m.css plugins folder is correctly referenced there too:

PLUGIN_PATHS = ['m.css/plugins']

PLUGINS = ['m.abbr',

The following is the Terminal output when I run pelican -Dlr:

[13:21:53] DEBUG    Pelican version: 4.9.1                                                    
           DEBUG    Python version: 3.12.1                                                    
           DEBUG    Adding current directory to system path                                    
           DEBUG    Finding namespace plugins                                                    
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.abbr`                                                     
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.alias`                                                    
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.code`                                                     
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.components`                                               
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.dox`                                                      
           DEBUG    Loading plugin ``                                                      
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.filesize`                                                 
           DEBUG    Loading plugin ``                                                       
           DEBUG    Loading plugin ``                                                       
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.htmlsanity`                                               
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.images`                                                   
           DEBUG    Loading plugin ``                                                     
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.math`                                                     
Warning: libgs not found
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.metadata`                                                 
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.plots`                                                    
           ERROR    Cannot load plugin `m.plots`                                                    
                    No module named 'matplotlib'
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.sphinx`                                                   
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.qr`                                                       
           ERROR    Cannot load plugin `m.qr`                                                       
                    No module named 'qrcode'
           DEBUG    Loading plugin `m.vk`                                                       
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.abbr`                                                
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.alias`                                               
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.code`                                                
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.components`                                          
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.dox`                                                 
           DEBUG    Registering plugin ``                                                 
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.filesize`                                            
           DEBUG    Registering plugin ``                                                  
           DEBUG    Registering plugin ``                                                  
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.htmlsanity`                                          
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.images`                                              
           DEBUG    Registering plugin ``                                                
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.math`                                                
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.metadata`                                            
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.sphinx`                                              
           DEBUG    Registering plugin `m.vk`                                                  
  --- AutoReload Mode: Monitoring `content`, `theme` and `settings` for changes. ---
Serving site at: - Tap CTRL-C to stop
Warning: libgs not found
Cannot load plugin `m.plots`
No module named 'matplotlib'
Cannot load plugin `m.qr`
No module named 'qrcode'
Unable to find '/posts/why-study-dsa.rst', skipping url replacement.

Notice the line last line there that says 'Unable to find /posts/why-study-dsa.rst, skipping url replacement.' Pelican is referencing an old folder name posts/, which I changed to articles/ like four days ago. I've made several significant changes to the content of the articles, but it doesn't reflect on the website. I believe all these issues are related.

Deleting the output folder and regenerating the content doesn't fix it. The fix suggested by @lpirl on issue #181 also didn't work for me. Please help!

mosra commented 1 month ago

You're using the m.plots and m.qr plugins which depend on the matplotlib and qrcode Python packages. Assuming you don't use those plugins, remove them from the list (you really only need to list ones that you actually use, not everything from m.css). If you do use them, install the packages via pip or any other means that's best suited for your dev environment.

Judging from the output however, it seems that it just skips those plugins if they fail to load, so it should still generate something from the input .rst files. Is it not shown at Are you sure it actually takes the .rst files you're editing and not some other stale copy?

Generally, there's no hidden magic done by m.css anywhere, it's all just plain Pelican with some theming on top. So if there's something strange going on, it's likely Pelican being misconfigured.

jegrami commented 1 month ago

It's working fine now. Thanks, @mosra!

I think it was wrong indentation in some of the reST files that was causing the problem (beginner's error. lol). Because of those errors, Pelican wasn't parsing the files, so the changes I was making wasn't being updated. I added a new article file with fresh content, formatted with some m.css special directives. It rendered fine. So I deleted the content of the old articles and carefully added them back. They rendered perfectly, too. Everything is fine now. Thank you so much.

mosra commented 1 month ago

Ah, yes, the error handling / reporting is a bit strange in Pelican, a single error causing everything to stop. Gotta get used to it, I guess :)