mosra / magnum-integration

Integration libraries for the Magnum C++11 graphics engine
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BulletIntegration: Usage #19

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out exactly how BulletIntegration works.

I understand:

I don't understand:

Do we have any examples or anything? I'm sorry if I simply missed them!

mosra commented 8 years ago

There is a very basic bullet example in the magnum-examples repo, which just shows a bunch of boxes and you can throw more boxes on it.

Other than that, @Squareys uses this part of the engine very extensively so he should be able to answer your questions, so mentioning him here :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

@mosra Ah, I must have missed it; I'll take a look at that example, thank you.

@Squareys Yes, any information or examples you can provide would be most appreciated!

As well, would either of you be opposed to adding some common helper "pass through" functions to the MotionState feature? Restitution, Friction, and other common physics attributes would make the API much more attractive, and are unlikely to not be supplied by any alternate physics API (in case an AnyPhysics API is eventually made).

I would definitely be willing to supply a pull request adding these common functions, helping to "Magnum-ify" the physics API a bit.

Edit: As well, having looked at the bullet example, the integration looks a little primitive, with a lot of Bullet specific things needing to be done just to get things up and running. Is there any plan to wrap some of it up into a cleaner, more Magnum-ish interface, or is the idea to provide only a very minimal wrapper?

Squareys commented 8 years ago

@Alicemargatroid Hi! Yes, I use bullet together with Magnum alot.

BulletIntegration is only a very thin layer between bullet and Magnum. The only two things it provides are

You use bullet directly, BulletIntegration is simply the connection to Magnum, which you use for rendering. With that, you should look for examples on how to use bullet here, while the example to connect that bullet code is, as @mosra already mentioned, here.

If you need any specific help, just drop me a message on gitter :)

PS: Restitution, friction, mass etc. are physics specific features you would set for the bullet object. PPS:

Is there any plan to wrap some of it up into a cleaner, more Magnum-ish interface, or is the idea to provide only a very minimal wrapper?

No, since magnum is meant to be a graphics engine... (Even though it does have Audio and file loading and everything)... unless you plan it, of course ;)

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Squareys Excellent, thank you for the examples, this will help a lot.

That was, however, my exact thought: Magnum::Audio wraps OpenAL into a much more convenient interface. Wouldn't it be a good idea to do the same with BulletIntegration?

That's why I thought it might be a good idea to provide wrappers in MotionState for certain common operations, such as setting/getting the btMotionState state.

Squareys commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be a good idea to do the same with BulletIntegration?

Since OpenAL only has a C API and not C++, it makes a little more sense there. Bullet already provides (only) a C++ API, though. Wrapping that would most likely just add overhead and make adapting to changes harder (I don't even know if Bullet3 is currently compatible with BulletIntegration to begin with). Not to mention, bullet has alot of features, which would probably take alot of time to wrap. Finding a common API for multiple APIs usually leads to restrictions and compromises, which is why Magnum does OpenGL, and doesn't have DirectX or Vulkan "backends", which you may see in other graphics libraries. (There is a entirely new API for Vulkan planned instead, for example.)

My opinion:

I did a full wrapper for Oculus SDK, which turned out to be a huge amount of work, while setting up OpenVR without wrapping it, was trivial in comparison. OvrIntegration still requires work every now and then to adapt to API changes. With this, I would recommend only doing a similarly rudimentary integration for Box2D, aswell. A small amount of effort can already provide alot of convenience. (Conversion for math types is really valuable, even though it may seem like a small thing ;) )


That's why I thought it might be a good idea to provide wrappers in MotionState for certain common operations, such as setting/getting the btMotionState state.

There is a getter and MotionState inherits from btMotionState? Or did I misunderstand what you meant?

mosra commented 7 years ago

I think this was answered already pretty well, there is an example showing the overall usage, the decision is to not provide a full Bullet wrapper and with #22 being merged there is also finally improved usage documentation of the MotionState wrapper class.