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Update pytest to 7.0.0 #394

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

This PR updates pytest from 6.2.4 to 7.0.0.

Changelog ### 7.0.0 ``` ========================= (**Please see the full set of changes for this release also in the 7.0.0rc1 notes below**) Deprecations ------------ - `9488 <>`_: If custom subclasses of nodes like :class:`pytest.Item` override the ``__init__`` method, they should take ``**kwargs``. See :ref:`uncooperative-constructors-deprecated` for details. Note that a deprection warning is only emitted when there is a conflict in the arguments pytest expected to pass. This deprecation was already part of pytest 7.0.0rc1 but wasn't documented. Bug Fixes --------- - `9355 <>`_: Fixed error message prints function decorators when using assert in Python 3.8 and above. - `9396 <>`_: Ensure :attr:`pytest.Config.inifile` is available during the :func:`pytest_cmdline_main <_pytest.hookspec.pytest_cmdline_main>` hook (regression during ``7.0.0rc1``). Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `9404 <>`_: Added extra documentation on alternatives to common misuses of `pytest.warns(None)` ahead of its deprecation. - `9505 <>`_: Clarify where the configuration files are located. To avoid confusions documentation mentions that configuration file is located in the root of the repository. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `9521 <>`_: Add test coverage to assertion rewrite path. ``` ### 7.0.0rc1 ``` ============================ Breaking Changes ---------------- - `7259 <>`_: The :ref:`Node.reportinfo() <non-python tests>` function first return value type has been expanded from `py.path.local | str` to `os.PathLike[str] | str`. Most plugins which refer to `reportinfo()` only define it as part of a custom :class:`pytest.Item` implementation. Since `py.path.local` is a `os.PathLike[str]`, these plugins are unaffacted. Plugins and users which call `reportinfo()`, use the first return value and interact with it as a `py.path.local`, would need to adjust by calling `py.path.local(fspath)`. Although preferably, avoid the legacy `py.path.local` and use `pathlib.Path`, or use `item.location` or `item.path`, instead. Note: pytest was not able to provide a deprecation period for this change. - `8246 <>`_: ``--version`` now writes version information to ``stdout`` rather than ``stderr``. - `8733 <>`_: Drop a workaround for `pyreadline <>`__ that made it work with ``--pdb``. The workaround was introduced in `1281 <>`__ in 2015, however since then `pyreadline seems to have gone unmaintained <>`__, is `generating warnings <>`__, and will stop working on Python 3.10. - `9061 <>`_: Using :func:`pytest.approx` in a boolean context now raises an error hinting at the proper usage. It is apparently common for users to mistakenly use ``pytest.approx`` like this: .. code-block:: python assert pytest.approx(actual, expected) While the correct usage is: .. code-block:: python assert actual == pytest.approx(expected) The new error message helps catch those mistakes. - `9277 <>`_: The ``pytest.Instance`` collector type has been removed. Importing ``pytest.Instance`` or ``_pytest.python.Instance`` returns a dummy type and emits a deprecation warning. See :ref:`instance-collector-deprecation` for details. - `9308 <>`_: **PytestRemovedIn7Warning deprecation warnings are now errors by default.** Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as possible, all warnings of type ``PytestRemovedIn7Warning`` now generate errors instead of warning messages by default. **The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 7.1**, so please consult the :ref:`deprecations` section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code. In the pytest ``7.0.X`` series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stopgap measure by adding this to your ``pytest.ini`` file: .. code-block:: ini [pytest] filterwarnings = ignore::pytest.PytestRemovedIn7Warning But this will stop working when pytest ``7.1`` is released. **If you have concerns** about the removal of a specific feature, please add a comment to :issue:`9308`. Deprecations ------------ - `7259 <>`_: ``py.path.local`` arguments for hooks have been deprecated. See :ref:`the deprecation note <legacy-path-hooks-deprecated>` for full details. ``py.path.local`` arguments to Node constructors have been deprecated. See :ref:`the deprecation note <node-ctor-fspath-deprecation>` for full details. .. note:: The name of the :class:`~_pytest.nodes.Node` arguments and attributes (the new attribute being ``path``) is **the opposite** of the situation for hooks (the old argument being ``path``). This is an unfortunate artifact due to historical reasons, which should be resolved in future versions as we slowly get rid of the :pypi:`py` dependency (see :issue:`9283` for a longer discussion). - `7469 <>`_: Directly constructing the following classes is now deprecated: - ``_pytest.mark.structures.Mark`` - ``_pytest.mark.structures.MarkDecorator`` - ``_pytest.mark.structures.MarkGenerator`` - ``_pytest.python.Metafunc`` - ``_pytest.runner.CallInfo`` - ``_pytest._code.ExceptionInfo`` - ``_pytest.config.argparsing.Parser`` - ``_pytest.config.argparsing.OptionGroup`` - ``_pytest.pytester.HookRecorder`` These constructors have always been considered private, but now issue a deprecation warning, which may become a hard error in pytest 8. - `8242 <>`_: Raising :class:`unittest.SkipTest` to skip collection of tests during the pytest collection phase is deprecated. Use :func:`pytest.skip` instead. Note: This deprecation only relates to using :class:`unittest.SkipTest` during test collection. You are probably not doing that. Ordinary usage of :class:`unittest.SkipTest` / :meth:`unittest.TestCase.skipTest` / :func:`unittest.skip` in unittest test cases is fully supported. - `8315 <>`_: Several behaviors of :meth:`Parser.addoption <pytest.Parser.addoption>` are now scheduled for removal in pytest 8 (deprecated since pytest 2.4.0): - ``parser.addoption(..., help=".. %default ..")`` - use ``%(default)s`` instead. - ``parser.addoption(..., type="int/string/float/complex")`` - use ``type=int`` etc. instead. - `8447 <>`_: Defining a custom pytest node type which is both an :class:`pytest.Item <Item>` and a :class:`pytest.Collector <Collector>` (e.g. :class:`pytest.File <File>`) now issues a warning. It was never sanely supported and triggers hard to debug errors. See :ref:`the deprecation note <diamond-inheritance-deprecated>` for full details. - `8592 <>`_: :hook:`pytest_cmdline_preparse` has been officially deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. Use :hook:`pytest_load_initial_conftests` instead. See :ref:`the deprecation note <cmdline-preparse-deprecated>` for full details. - `8645 <>`_: :func:`pytest.warns(None) <pytest.warns>` is now deprecated because many people used it to mean "this code does not emit warnings", but it actually had the effect of checking that the code emits at least one warning of any type - like ``pytest.warns()`` or ``pytest.warns(Warning)``. - `8948 <>`_: :func:`pytest.skip(msg=...) <pytest.skip>`, :func:` <>` and :func:`pytest.exit(msg=...) <pytest.exit>` signatures now accept a ``reason`` argument instead of ``msg``. Using ``msg`` still works, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This was changed for consistency with :func:`pytest.mark.skip <pytest.mark.skip>` and :func:`pytest.mark.xfail <pytest.mark.xfail>` which both accept ``reason`` as an argument. - `8174 <>`_: The following changes have been made to types reachable through :attr:`pytest.ExceptionInfo.traceback`: - The ``path`` property of ``_pytest.code.Code`` returns ``Path`` instead of ``py.path.local``. - The ``path`` property of ``_pytest.code.TracebackEntry`` returns ``Path`` instead of ``py.path.local``. There was no deprecation period for this change (sorry!). Features -------- - `5196 <>`_: Tests are now ordered by definition order in more cases. In a class hierarchy, tests from base classes are now consistently ordered before tests defined on their subclasses (reverse MRO order). - `7132 <>`_: Added two environment variables :envvar:`PYTEST_THEME` and :envvar:`PYTEST_THEME_MODE` to let the users customize the pygments theme used. - `7259 <>`_: Added :meth:`cache.mkdir() <pytest.Cache.mkdir>`, which is similar to the existing :meth:`cache.makedir() <pytest.Cache.makedir>`, but returns a :class:`pathlib.Path` instead of a legacy ``py.path.local``. Added a ``paths`` type to :meth:`parser.addini() <pytest.Parser.addini>`, as in ``parser.addini("mypaths", "my paths", type="paths")``, which is similar to the existing ``pathlist``, but returns a list of :class:`pathlib.Path` instead of legacy ``py.path.local``. - `7469 <>`_: The types of objects used in pytest's API are now exported so they may be used in type annotations. The newly-exported types are: - ``pytest.Config`` for :class:`Config <pytest.Config>`. - ``pytest.Mark`` for :class:`marks <pytest.Mark>`. - ``pytest.MarkDecorator`` for :class:`mark decorators <pytest.MarkDecorator>`. - ``pytest.MarkGenerator`` for the :class:`pytest.mark <pytest.MarkGenerator>` singleton. - ``pytest.Metafunc`` for the :class:`metafunc <pytest.MarkGenerator>` argument to the :hook:`pytest_generate_tests` hook. - ``pytest.CallInfo`` for the :class:`CallInfo <pytest.CallInfo>` type passed to various hooks. - ``pytest.PytestPluginManager`` for :class:`PytestPluginManager <pytest.PytestPluginManager>`. - ``pytest.ExceptionInfo`` for the :class:`ExceptionInfo <pytest.ExceptionInfo>` type returned from :func:`pytest.raises` and passed to various hooks. - ``pytest.Parser`` for the :class:`Parser <pytest.Parser>` type passed to the :hook:`pytest_addoption` hook. - ``pytest.OptionGroup`` for the :class:`OptionGroup <pytest.OptionGroup>` type returned from the :func:`parser.addgroup <pytest.Parser.getgroup>` method. - ``pytest.HookRecorder`` for the :class:`HookRecorder <pytest.HookRecorder>` type returned from :class:`~pytest.Pytester`. - ``pytest.RecordedHookCall`` for the :class:`RecordedHookCall <pytest.HookRecorder>` type returned from :class:`~pytest.HookRecorder`. - ``pytest.RunResult`` for the :class:`RunResult <pytest.RunResult>` type returned from :class:`~pytest.Pytester`. - ``pytest.LineMatcher`` for the :class:`LineMatcher <pytest.RunResult>` type used in :class:`~pytest.RunResult` and others. - ``pytest.TestReport`` for the :class:`TestReport <pytest.TestReport>` type used in various hooks. - ``pytest.CollectReport`` for the :class:`CollectReport <pytest.CollectReport>` type used in various hooks. Constructing most of them directly is not supported; they are only meant for use in type annotations. Doing so will emit a deprecation warning, and may become a hard-error in pytest 8.0. Subclassing them is also not supported. This is not currently enforced at runtime, but is detected by type-checkers such as mypy. - `7856 <>`_: :ref:`--import-mode=importlib <import-modes>` now works with features that depend on modules being on :py:data:`sys.modules`, such as :mod:`pickle` and :mod:`dataclasses`. - `8144 <>`_: The following hooks now receive an additional ``pathlib.Path`` argument, equivalent to an existing ``py.path.local`` argument: - :hook:`pytest_ignore_collect` - The ``collection_path`` parameter (equivalent to existing ``path`` parameter). - :hook:`pytest_collect_file` - The ``file_path`` parameter (equivalent to existing ``path`` parameter). - :hook:`pytest_pycollect_makemodule` - The ``module_path`` parameter (equivalent to existing ``path`` parameter). - :hook:`pytest_report_header` - The ``start_path`` parameter (equivalent to existing ``startdir`` parameter). - :hook:`pytest_report_collectionfinish` - The ``start_path`` parameter (equivalent to existing ``startdir`` parameter). .. note:: The name of the :class:`~_pytest.nodes.Node` arguments and attributes (the new attribute being ``path``) is **the opposite** of the situation for hooks (the old argument being ``path``). This is an unfortunate artifact due to historical reasons, which should be resolved in future versions as we slowly get rid of the :pypi:`py` dependency (see :issue:`9283` for a longer discussion). - `8251 <>`_: Implement ``Node.path`` as a ``pathlib.Path``. Both the old ``fspath`` and this new attribute gets set no matter whether ``path`` or ``fspath`` (deprecated) is passed to the constructor. It is a replacement for the ``fspath`` attribute (which represents the same path as ``py.path.local``). While ``fspath`` is not deprecated yet due to the ongoing migration of methods like :meth:`~_pytest.Item.reportinfo`, we expect to deprecate it in a future release. .. note:: The name of the :class:`~_pytest.nodes.Node` arguments and attributes (the new attribute being ``path``) is **the opposite** of the situation for hooks (the old argument being ``path``). This is an unfortunate artifact due to historical reasons, which should be resolved in future versions as we slowly get rid of the :pypi:`py` dependency (see :issue:`9283` for a longer discussion). - `8421 <>`_: :func:`pytest.approx` now works on :class:`~decimal.Decimal` within mappings/dicts and sequences/lists. - `8606 <>`_: pytest invocations with ``--fixtures-per-test`` and ``--fixtures`` have been enriched with: - Fixture location path printed with the fixture name. - First section of the fixture's docstring printed under the fixture name. - Whole of fixture's docstring printed under the fixture name using ``--verbose`` option. - `8761 <>`_: New :ref:`version-tuple` attribute, which makes it simpler for users to do something depending on the pytest version (such as declaring hooks which are introduced in later versions). - `8789 <>`_: Switch TOML parser from ``toml`` to ``tomli`` for TOML v1.0.0 support in ``pyproject.toml``. - `8920 <>`_: Added :class:`pytest.Stash`, a facility for plugins to store their data on :class:`~pytest.Config` and :class:`~_pytest.nodes.Node`\s in a type-safe and conflict-free manner. See :ref:`plugin-stash` for details. - `8953 <>`_: :class:`RunResult <_pytest.pytester.RunResult>` method :meth:`assert_outcomes <_pytest.pytester.RunResult.assert_outcomes>` now accepts a ``warnings`` argument to assert the total number of warnings captured. - `8954 <>`_: ``--debug`` flag now accepts a :class:`str` file to route debug logs into, remains defaulted to `pytestdebug.log`. - `9023 <>`_: Full diffs are now always shown for equality assertions of iterables when `CI` or ``BUILD_NUMBER`` is found in the environment, even when ``-v`` isn't used. - `9113 <>`_: :class:`RunResult <_pytest.pytester.RunResult>` method :meth:`assert_outcomes <_pytest.pytester.RunResult.assert_outcomes>` now accepts a ``deselected`` argument to assert the total number of deselected tests. - `9114 <>`_: Added :confval:`pythonpath` setting that adds listed paths to :data:`sys.path` for the duration of the test session. If you currently use the pytest-pythonpath or pytest-srcpaths plugins, you should be able to replace them with built-in `pythonpath` setting. Improvements ------------ - `7480 <>`_: A deprecation scheduled to be removed in a major version X (e.g. pytest 7, 8, 9, ...) now uses warning category `PytestRemovedInXWarning`, a subclass of :class:`~pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning`, instead of :class:`PytestDeprecationWarning` directly. See :ref:`backwards-compatibility` for more details. - `7864 <>`_: Improved error messages when parsing warning filters. Previously pytest would show an internal traceback, which besides being ugly sometimes would hide the cause of the problem (for example an ``ImportError`` while importing a specific warning type). - `8335 <>`_: Improved :func:`pytest.approx` assertion messages for sequences of numbers. The assertion messages now dumps a table with the index and the error of each diff. Example:: > assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == pytest.approx([1, 3, 3, 5]) E assert comparison failed for 2 values: E Index | Obtained | Expected E 1 | 2 | 3 +- 3.0e-06 E 3 | 4 | 5 +- 5.0e-06 - `8403 <>`_: By default, pytest will truncate long strings in assert errors so they don't clutter the output too much, currently at ``240`` characters by default. However, in some cases the longer output helps, or is even crucial, to diagnose a failure. Using ``-v`` will now increase the truncation threshold to ``2400`` characters, and ``-vv`` or higher will disable truncation entirely. - `8509 <>`_: Fixed issue where :meth:`unittest.TestCase.setUpClass` is not called when a test has `/` in its name since pytest 6.2.0. This refers to the path part in pytest node IDs, e.g. ``TestClass::test_it`` in the node ID ``tests/``. Now, instead of assuming that the test name does not contain ``/``, it is assumed that test path does not contain ``::``. We plan to hopefully make both of these work in the future. - `8803 <>`_: It is now possible to add colors to custom log levels on cli log. By using :func:`add_color_level <_pytest.logging.add_color_level>` from a ``pytest_configure`` hook, colors can be added:: logging_plugin = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin('logging-plugin') logging_plugin.log_cli_handler.formatter.add_color_level(logging.INFO, 'cyan') logging_plugin.log_cli_handler.formatter.add_color_level(logging.SPAM, 'blue') See :ref:`log_colors` for more information. - `8822 <>`_: When showing fixture paths in `--fixtures` or `--fixtures-by-test`, fixtures coming from pytest itself now display an elided path, rather than the full path to the file in the `site-packages` directory. - `8898 <>`_: Complex numbers are now treated like floats and integers when generating parameterization IDs. - `9062 <>`_: ``--stepwise-skip`` now implicitly enables ``--stepwise`` and can be used on its own. - `9205 <>`_: :meth:`pytest.Cache.set` now preserves key order when saving dicts. Bug Fixes --------- - `7124 <>`_: Fixed an issue where ```` would raise an ``ImportError`` when ``--doctest-modules`` was provided. - `8061 <>`_: Fixed failing ``staticmethod`` test cases if they are inherited from a parent test class. - `8192 <>`_: ``testdir.makefile`` now silently accepts values which don't start with ``.`` to maintain backward compatibility with older pytest versions. ``pytester.makefile`` now issues a clearer error if the ``.`` is missing in the ``ext`` argument. - `8258 <>`_: Fixed issue where pytest's ``faulthandler`` support would not dump traceback on crashes if the :mod:`faulthandler` module was already enabled during pytest startup (using ``python -X dev -m pytest`` for example). - `8317 <>`_: Fixed an issue where illegal directory characters derived from ``getpass.getuser()`` raised an ``OSError``. - `8367 <>`_: Fix ``Class.from_parent`` so it forwards extra keyword arguments to the constructor. - `8377 <>`_: The test selection options ``pytest -k`` and ``pytest -m`` now support matching names containing forward slash (``/``) characters. - `8384 <>`_: The ``pytest.mark.skip`` decorator now correctly handles its arguments. When the ``reason`` argument is accidentally given both positional and as a keyword (e.g. because it was confused with ``skipif``), a ``TypeError`` now occurs. Before, such tests were silently skipped, and the positional argument ignored. Additionally, ``reason`` is now documented correctly as positional or keyword (rather than keyword-only). - `8394 <>`_: Use private names for internal fixtures that handle classic setup/teardown so that they don't show up with the default ``--fixtures`` invocation (but they still show up with ``--fixtures -v``). - `8456 <>`_: The :confval:`required_plugins` config option now works correctly when pre-releases of plugins are installed, rather than falsely claiming that those plugins aren't installed at all. - `8464 <>`_: ``-c <config file>`` now also properly defines ``rootdir`` as the directory that contains ``<config file>``. - `8503 <>`_: :meth:`pytest.MonkeyPatch.syspath_prepend` no longer fails when ``setuptools`` is not installed. It now only calls :func:`pkg_resources.fixup_namespace_packages` if ``pkg_resources`` was previously imported, because it is not needed otherwise. - `8548 <>`_: Introduce fix to handle precision width in ``log-cli-format`` in turn to fix output coloring for certain formats. - `8796 <>`_: Fixed internal error when skipping doctests. - `8983 <>`_: The test selection options ``pytest -k`` and ``pytest -m`` now support matching names containing backslash (`\\`) characters. Backslashes are treated literally, not as escape characters (the values being matched against are already escaped). - `8990 <>`_: Fix `pytest -vv` crashing with an internal exception `AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'relative_to'` in some cases. - `9077 <>`_: Fixed confusing error message when ``request.fspath`` / ``request.path`` was accessed from a session-scoped fixture. - `9131 <>`_: Fixed the URL used by ``--pastebin`` to use ` <>`__. - `9163 <>`_: The end line number and end column offset are now properly set for rewritten assert statements. - `9169 <>`_: Support for the ``files`` API from ``importlib.resources`` within rewritten files. - `9272 <>`_: The nose compatibility module-level fixtures `setup()` and `teardown()` are now only called once per module, instead of for each test function. They are now called even if object-level `setup`/`teardown` is defined. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `4320 <>`_: Improved docs for `pytester.copy_example`. - `5105 <>`_: Add automatically generated :ref:`plugin-list`. The list is updated on a periodic schedule. - `8337 <>`_: Recommend `numpy.testing <>`__ module on :func:`pytest.approx` documentation. - `8655 <>`_: Help text for ``--pdbcls`` more accurately reflects the option's behavior. - `9210 <>`_: Remove incorrect docs about ``confcutdir`` being a configuration option: it can only be set through the ``--confcutdir`` command-line option. - `9242 <>`_: Upgrade readthedocs configuration to use a `newer Ubuntu version <>`__` with better unicode support for PDF docs. - `9341 <>`_: Various methods commonly used for :ref:`non-python tests` are now correctly documented in the reference docs. They were undocumented previously. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `8133 <>`_: Migrate to ``setuptools_scm`` 6.x to use ``SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION_FOR_PYTEST`` for more robust release tooling. - `8174 <>`_: The following changes have been made to internal pytest types/functions: - The ``_pytest.code.getfslineno()`` function returns ``Path`` instead of ``py.path.local``. - The ``_pytest.python.path_matches_patterns()`` function takes ``Path`` instead of ``py.path.local``. - The ``_pytest._code.Traceback.cut()`` function accepts any ``os.PathLike[str]``, not just ``py.path.local``. - `8248 <>`_: Internal Restructure: let ``python.PyObjMixin`` inherit from ``nodes.Node`` to carry over typing information. - `8432 <>`_: Improve error message when :func:`pytest.skip` is used at module level without passing `allow_module_level=True`. - `8818 <>`_: Ensure ``regendoc`` opts out of ``TOX_ENV`` cachedir selection to ensure independent example test runs. - `8913 <>`_: The private ``CallSpec2._arg2scopenum`` attribute has been removed after an internal refactoring. - `8967 <>`_: :hook:`pytest_assertion_pass` is no longer considered experimental and future changes to it will be considered more carefully. - `9202 <>`_: Add github action to upload coverage report to codecov instead of bash uploader. - `9225 <>`_: Changed the command used to create sdist and wheel artifacts: using the build package instead of - `9351 <>`_: Correct minor typos in doc/en/example/special.rst. ``` ### 6.2.5 ``` ========================= Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - :issue:`8494`: Python 3.10 is now supported. - :issue:`9040`: Enable compatibility with ``pluggy 1.0`` or later. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:
coveralls commented 2 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 86.413% when pulling 6e4814afc40d66ea67487220de096b5967183b21 on pyup-update-pytest-6.2.4-to-7.0.0 into 2716a326a04ea00d4c2f5d9ced53da1b89a5fb25 on master.

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Closing this in favor of #402