mostafa / xk6-kafka

k6 extension to load test Apache Kafka with support for various serialization formats, SASL, TLS, compression, Schema Registry client and beyond
Apache License 2.0
151 stars 68 forks source link

Tests SASL_SCRAM_SHA512 (SASL over TLS) #150

Closed blezoray closed 2 years ago

blezoray commented 2 years ago


I'm testing your test_sasl_auth.js script with a SCRAM_SHA512 user.

But I have this error:

$ k6 run -v k6-sasl.js 
DEBU[0000] Logger format: TEXT                          
DEBU[0000] k6 version: v0.39.0 ((devel), go1.18.4, linux/amd64) 

          /\      |‾‾| /‾‾/   /‾‾/   
     /\  /  \     |  |/  /   /  /    
    /  \/    \    |     (   /   ‾‾\  
   /          \   |  |\  \ |  (‾)  | 
  / __________ \  |__| \__\ \_____/ .io

DEBU[0000] Resolving and reading test 'k6-sasl.js'...   
DEBU[0000] Loading...                                    moduleSpecifier="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js" originalModuleSpecifier=k6-sasl.js
DEBU[0000] 'k6-sasl.js' resolved to 'file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js' and successfully loaded 3996 bytes! 
DEBU[0000] Gathering k6 runtime options...              
DEBU[0000] Initializing k6 runner for 'k6-sasl.js' (file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js)... 
DEBU[0000] Detecting test type for...                    test_path="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js"
DEBU[0000] Trying to load as a JS test...                test_path="file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js"
DEBU[0001] Babel: Transformed                            t=675.613151ms
ERRO[0001] ReferenceError: SASL_SCRAM_SHA512 is not defined
    at file:///k6-scripts/k6-sasl.js:38:15(58)  hint="script exception"

I use your docker image: mostafamoradian/xk6-kafka:latest

Any explanation ?

The script:


This is a k6 test script that imports the xk6-kafka and
tests Kafka with a 200 JSON messages per iteration. It
also uses SASL authentication.


import { check } from "k6";
import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_PLAIN, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka"; // import kafka extension

export const options = {
    // This is used for testing purposes. For real-world use, you should use your own options:
    scenarios: {
        sasl_auth: {
            executor: "constant-vus",
            vus: 1,
            duration: "10s",
            gracefulStop: "1s",

const brokers = ["my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9092"];
const topic = "bench1";

// SASL config is optional
const saslConfig = {
    username: "benchuser",
    password: "XXXXXXXX",
    // Possible values for the algorithm is:
    // NONE (default)
    // SASL_SCRAM_SHA256
    // SASL_SCRAM_SHA512
    // SASL_SSL (must enable TLS)
    algorithm: SASL_SCRAM_SHA512,

// TLS config is optional
const tlsConfig = {
    // Enable/disable TLS (default: false)
    enableTls: false,
    // Skip TLS verification if the certificate is invalid or self-signed (default: false)
    insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
    // Possible values:
    // TLS_1_0
    // TLS_1_1
    // TLS_1_2 (default)
    // TLS_1_3
    minVersion: TLS_1_2,

    // Only needed if you have a custom or self-signed certificate and keys
    // clientCertPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.crt",
    // clientKeyPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.key",
    // serverCaPem: "/k6-scripts/",

const offset = 0;
// partition and groupID are mutually exclusive
const partition = 0;
const numPartitions = 1;
const replicationFactor = 1;
const groupID = "benchusergroup";

const writer = new Writer({
    brokers: brokers,
    topic: topic,
    sasl: saslConfig,
    tls: tlsConfig,
const reader = new Reader({
    brokers: brokers,
    topic: topic,
    // partition: partition,
    groupID: groupID,
    offset: offset,
    sasl: saslConfig,
    tls: tlsConfig,
const connection = new Connection({
    address: brokers[0],
    sasl: saslConfig,
    tls: tlsConfig,

if (__VU == 0) {
        topic: topic,
        numPartitions: numPartitions,
        replicationFactor: replicationFactor,
    console.log("Existing topics: ", connection.listTopics(saslConfig, tlsConfig));

export default function () {
    for (let index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
        let messages = [
                key: JSON.stringify({
                    correlationId: "test-id-abc-" + index,
                value: JSON.stringify({
                    name: "xk6-kafka",
                    version: "0.2.1",
                    author: "Mostafa Moradian",
                        "k6 extension to load test Apache Kafka with support for Avro messages",
                    index: index,
                key: JSON.stringify({
                    correlationId: "test-id-def-" + index,
                value: JSON.stringify({
                    name: "xk6-kafka",
                    version: "0.2.1",
                    author: "Mostafa Moradian",
                        "k6 extension to load test Apache Kafka with support for Avro messages",
                    index: index,

        writer.produce({ messages: messages });

    // Read 10 messages only
    let messages = reader.consume({ limit: 10 });
    check(messages, {
        "10 messages returned": (msgs) => msgs.length == 10,

export function teardown(data) {
    if (__VU == 0) {
        // Delete the topic


mostafa commented 2 years ago

Hey @blezoray,

You need to import the constant at the top:

// import kafka extension and constants
import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_SCRAM_SHA512, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka";

I'll close this ticket, but feel free to re-open it if you have other questions.

blezoray commented 2 years ago

With this import, it's better:

import { Writer, Reader, Connection, SASL_PLAIN, SASL_SCRAM_SHA512, TLS_1_2 } from "k6/x/kafka"; // import kafka extension
blezoray commented 2 years ago


blezoray commented 2 years ago

Now, I'm trying to test a listerner with SASL over TLS. I configure the tlsConfig.serverCaPem with the path of my CA file.

// TLS config is optional
const tlsConfig = {
    // Enable/disable TLS (default: false)
    enableTls: true,
    // Skip TLS verification if the certificate is invalid or self-signed (default: false)
    insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
    // Possible values:
    // TLS_1_0
    // TLS_1_1
    // TLS_1_2 (default)
    // TLS_1_3
    minVersion: TLS_1_2,

    // Only needed if you have a custom or self-signed certificate and keys
    // clientCertPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.crt",
    // clientKeyPem: "/k6-scripts/benchuser.user.key",
    serverCaPem: "/k6-scripts/",

But I have this error:

ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config                     error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat  2})"
ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config                     error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat  2})"
ERRO[0001] Cannot process TLS config                     error="File not found: , OriginalError: %!w(*fs.PathError=&{stat  2})"
ERRO[0001] Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00})  error="Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00})"
ERRO[0001] Failed to create dialer., OriginalError: %!w(*fmt.wrapError=&{could not successfully authenticate to my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.diod-mpms-kafka-test.svc:9093 with SASL: SASL handshake failed: EOF 0xc0015d8e00})
    at file:///tmp/k6-sasl-tls.js:84:19(124)  hint="script exception"

It seems to open 3 files ???

It works fine when I remove the serverCaPem and I set insecureSkipTlsVerify to true.

Any reason ?

mostafa commented 2 years ago

@blezoray You need to provide all three files to be able to test over TLS. Also, if you pass insecureSkipTlsVerify, it'll completely bypass validation.

blezoray commented 2 years ago

But if my listerner does SASL authentication over TLS, I have only the CA. With CA, user cert & key, it is TLS authentication and not SASL authentication.

mostafa commented 2 years ago

@blezoray What do you mean? Can you elaborate?

mostafa commented 2 years ago

I suppose @oscar067 has managed to make SASL/SSL auth work.

blezoray commented 2 years ago

Here, you have an explanation of the difference between TLS 1 way and TLS 2 way.

In your case, when you do SASL over TLS, you establish a TLS 1way session to the server and then SASL challenges the client to be authenticated with its user/password.

When you do TLS 2 ways, your client is authenticated inside the TLS session with its private key/cert and the server doesn't need to do SASL challenge.

Is it clear ?

oscar067 commented 2 years ago


I was able to make work the SSL TLS 2 way, as @mostafa describe, but is true I did not tried SASL over TLS

export const writerCommsHub = new Writer({
  // WriterConfig object
  brokers: bootstrap,
  topic: kafkaTopic,
  tls: {
    enableTls: true,
    insecureSkipTlsVerify: false,
    clientCertPem: "/certs/cert.pem",
    clientKeyPem:  "/certs/server.key",
    serverCaPem:   "/certs/Corporate_Root_CA_G3_.cer",
mostafa commented 2 years ago

@oscar067 Thanks for letting us know. @blezoray Then this is something I need to investigate more.

blezoray commented 2 years ago

Hi @mostafa , I found this video which explains the difference between TLS and SASL over TLS.


mostafa commented 2 years ago

@blezoray Awesome! Thanks for the pointer.

I'll try to see if I can fix it. In the meantime, I'd be happy to see contributions. SASL and TLS are handled in the auth.go file.

mostafa commented 2 years ago

@blezoray Created #169 to fix this issue.

mostafa commented 2 years ago

@blezoray Fixed in #170. Feel free to reopen the issue if it problem persists.

blezoray commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the delay to answer. I tested SASL auth, SASL auth over TLS, and TLS auth. All works fine. Thanks a lot.
