mostafaznv / larupload

Larupload is an ORM based file uploader for laravel to upload image, video, audio and other known files.
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Cachable config #12

Closed mbardelmeijer closed 1 year ago

mbardelmeijer commented 1 year ago

We use mostafaznv/nova-ckeditor which has worked great. We've recently ran into an issue where the php artisan optimize command fails as the config isn't serializable, which seems related to

php artisan optimize

   INFO  Caching the framework bootstrap files.

  config ................................................................................................................................. 35ms FAIL


  Your configuration files are not serializable.

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php:73
     69▕             require $configPath;
     70▕         } catch (Throwable $e) {
     71▕             $this->files->delete($configPath);
  ➜  73▕             throw new LogicException('Your configuration files are not serializable.', 0, $e);
     74▕         }
     76▕         $this->components->info('Configuration cached successfully.');
     77▕     }

  1   bootstrap/cache/config.php:1718
      Error::("Call to undefined method Mostafaznv\Larupload\DTOs\Style\ImageStyle::__set_state()")
      +29 vendor frames

  31  artisan:35
mostafaznv commented 1 year ago

Hi @mbardelmeijer Thanks for the report. I will fix it today.

mostafaznv commented 1 year ago

Please run composer update. It could fix the issue.

mbardelmeijer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fix! 🚀