mostr / angular-ui-multi-sortable

Angular directive for using jQuery multi-sortable
MIT License
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Cannot run version 0.0.2 in firefox, ie #6

Closed hbt272 closed 10 years ago

hbt272 commented 11 years ago

hi mostr, I'd like to use version 0.0.2 with sortable directive and selectable directive to create a list can multi select and multi sort. But it work fine in chrome, opera. Can not work in firefox and ie. It throw error: "Error: cannot call methods on sortable prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'" The error at line #114: iElement.sortable('option', 'helper', helper); Can you show me why it can work in Chrome but not in Firefox? Do you have any solutions for this issue?

Thank you very much!

mostr commented 11 years ago

Weird. I've just checked it in Firefox 23.0.1 and it works perfectly fine. Could you please add more details to this issue if it still persists?

hbt272 commented 11 years ago

I have custom your demo at selectable.html And my firefox version is 23.0.1 too. It also not working on IE 10. Please help!


hbt272 commented 11 years ago

Hi mostr, I see this problem. Firefox parse the DOM difference with Chrome DOM. How to solve this problem?

see my captures:

CASE 1: I place 'uis-sortable' before 'uis-selectable' -> chrome OK, firefox ERROR before

CASE 2: I switch them positions -> Chome ERROR, firefox OK after