motaz / turbobird

FireBird admin tool
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adding syncomplition to query window #6

Closed mabudrais closed 11 years ago

mabudrais commented 11 years ago

i read an issue about autocomplete (by maxirobaina), so i try to make it. the complition word list is loaded from the file querycomplition.txt

motaz commented 11 years ago

That's very nice. Now I've added table names of current database to be used in auto-completion, please check it

mabudrais commented 11 years ago

yes it works.

maxirobaina commented 11 years ago

Hi, You have a typo in querycomplition.txt file name. "complition" doesn't exists, It should be "completion". Then, the the file name must be querycompletion.txt

motaz commented 11 years ago
