motionbank / score-system-frontend

Backbone.js based single app frontend for our score websites.
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Image cells without titles #52

Closed mlewisosu closed 10 years ago

mlewisosu commented 10 years ago

I'm told we used to be able to create image cells with no title, and thus could get no rollover text.

Now it requires a title when an image cell gets created, and so we get rollover text where we'd rather not.

martinleopold commented 10 years ago

We've updated your test server with the newest version. You can set css classes on any cell now by adding a "class" field in the backend. (See ) We've provided a class "hide-info" which permanently hides the info card. (Theres another class "show-info" which will permanently show the info card, in case you need it.)

Please note the update also includes some changes to the default text styles for text and html cells. Included is a lighter weight default font which automatically adjusts its size depending on the cell size. Text is light-colored by default and can be changed to a dark version by adding a class of "text-dark" to the cell.

Please let me know if these changes don't work for you. We can make specific changes for you or revoke them altogether.

mlewisosu commented 10 years ago

Thanks Martin - we'll take a look!

mlewisosu commented 10 years ago

That worked great, thanks.