motioneye-project / motioneye

A web frontend for the motion daemon.
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Straight Rip of RTSP Stream #1252

Open eckirchn opened 5 years ago

eckirchn commented 5 years ago

I have 2 cameras, both HIK IP models. Each of these have a Main and a Sub Stream. I am running MotionEye on a Raspberry PI3 with Raspbian (Stretch) and it is working fine.

I would like to take the High Resolution Streams and simply rip those to the drive, without any transcoding. I have a script I wrote myself to do this, but It would seem this application should be able to do that, but I can'f figure out how to do it. If motion is detected on the Sub-Streams, I can go back and pull up the Main Stream video for a more detailed event recording without needing the processing power of a real computer.

My example ffmpeg commands, these automatically create date stamped filenames in 60 minute intervals.

ffmpeg -hide_banner -rtsp_transport tcp -stimeout 1000000 -i rtsp://user:password@ -ss 6 -c:v copy -an -flags +global_header -f segment -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -segment_time 3600 Cam01_%Y%m%d-%H%M-LR.mkv

ffmpeg -hide_banner -rtsp_transport tcp -stimeout 1000000 -i rtsp://user:password@ -ss 6 -c:v copy -an -flags +global_header -f segment -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -segment_time 3600 Cam01_%Y%m%d-%H%M-HR.mkv

Is this something that can be done?

zagrim commented 5 years ago

I have also a RPi3 setup with two cameras, and tried to do the same thing. In motion there's netcam_highres configuration parameter ( which should do exactly this, and which can be put in Extra Motion Parameters in motionEye GUI, and which to me seemed to do what it should.

However, as I tried to use 1290x960 10 fps main streams, I ran into severe performance issues because 1) in my setup I was using remote storage over sshfs which is way from optimal for limited CPU (I'm in process to re-thinking that part), and 2) also motion (or was it ffmpeg, I don't remember) seemed to draw significant extra CPU, I guess that was related to 2.1) motion still doing de/encode to the high res stream because it is applying privacy mask to it, and 2.2) my cams produce H264 streams, and the h264_omx codec is blacklisted in raspbian version of ffmpeg (#1730 explains why) and thus the de/encode step requiring much CPU.

If it is somehow possible to use the commands you are showing, that should prevent the additional de/encoding from occurring and possibly making it feasible in RPi. That might be possible with motion parameters on_event_start (run ffmpeg copying) and on_event_end (kill the extra ffmpeg process), but the end event might require some work to prevent it from killing the wrong ffmpeg processes.

Anyway, I'm very much interested in solutions for this, too.

zagrim commented 5 years ago

If you don't have privacy mask configured in motion, please give netcam_highres a try as it might actually work for you just fine.

zagrim commented 5 years ago

@eckirchn There seems to actually exist also movie_passthrough option in motion 4.2 ( which should make the netcam_highres stream completely by-pass motion and recude CPU load that way. Please see #1157 (this issue is pretty much a duplicate of that).

eckirchn commented 5 years ago

@zagrim will look into that, thank you.