motioneye-project / motioneye

A web frontend for the motion daemon.
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on/off 'Motion Notification' via shell command #2166

Open Pedder007 opened 3 years ago

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

Hello everybody,

I already searched around on the opportunity, to switch on and off the Motion Notification function in motioneye via shell command, like one can also start and stop Motion Detection by sending e. g.[start/stop]. As I just verified, that if one switches the notification off manually, motioneye forgets the respective config parameters, for sure then they would have to be stored somewhere temporary.

Is there an opportunity to have such in motioneye?

Kind regards Peter

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Flagged for 'feature'/'enhancement'.

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

One option is to set up 2 copies of the camera-x.conf file and follow the instructions by calling the files and

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot @starbasessd, I will test your idea! Background is to switch on and off the notification automatically, indepently from the motion detection, when leaving the house. If beeing at home, for sure no mail notification is necessary ;-)

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

ok, in general works, but have to tackle that I can run the script also from another pi will check this the next days thanks again!

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

You can use SSH to run a command on a remote Pi.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

sorry, but in the end I failed 😢 I followed your link but also others like this (, a bit more detailled, but in the end wasn't able to connect without typing in a password each time. I tested and tested and spent hours of research, but wasn't able to change this. I have no clue why this stays but also found others struggeling with it but in the end no working solution ...

Thus hoping now for a direct shell command feature here ...

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Possible with motionEyeOS, not so much on another OS. Let me get you some instructions.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

I'm running motioneye on raspbian buster on a PI4B. Reinstalling it completely would take me some more time.... If you have any ideas on the ssh login, please share. I just in addition checked/changed the sshd_config but that also didn't change the behaviour...

RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

It's late here now, I will close for today ...

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

On the pi you are going to run the scripts from: ssh-keygen save the file to /home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [ip_address_of_Pi_with _the_scripts] now if you ssh to the Pi with the scripts, you shouldn't be prompted for password If that is true, type exit on the screen, should bring you back. Now try your scripts (full path needed) ssh [ip_of_script_pi] sudo /path/to/script I hope you backed up the sshd_config file, no need to make changes. If you need/want other options, let me know...

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

Hi again, thanks for your response and guidance. I yesterday did exactly what you wrote and when I now try to 'ssh-copy-id' again, I get the answer that the key is already available on the remote Raspi:

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/pi/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: WARNING: All keys were skipped because they already exist on the remote system.
        (if you think this is a mistake, you may want to use -f option)

I additionally took back my changes in the sshd_config and also restarted ssh service, but the password is requested further on The script itself on the remot client works, I already tested that. My only problem is the ssh login without a password. And I definetly created the file (three times) without a password ;-)

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Ah! can't go and change the file names. Needs to stay the same. please try again, but use the commands as written. When it creates the 'authorized_keys' file, it tags each key in there with the user and computer it works for at the end of each key... cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-rsa \<LONG string of seemingly random characters> pi@your_pi_name Let me know...

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

BTW, if you remove the tag at the end, it makes it available for any machine to use that key. (handy for using several Win10 PCs with PuTTY to connect...)

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

hmhm, I bit confused now. the file 'authorized_keys' I only do have in the .shh folder on the target pi thus I assume that I have to execute the commands from there, right? and the 'LONG string...' is what I see in that file when I open it with an editor, right? I already struggled yesterday with the question, from which side (master or target) I have to execute the related commands ...

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

ah sorry, got you wrongly. For sure 'cat' shows the content and the result is what you described above with 'ssh-rsa LOG....' Now I realized what you meant by taking the same file sames. I thought that it is regardless how the file is called, as along as I use the same when creating and then for the 'ssh-copy-id' command ....

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

No, as to having to run from the .ssh folder, ssh username@ipaddress can be run anywhere from a terminal. Ditto for ssh username@ipaddress command_to_run To create the keys, you do so on the Pi you want to connect from, where the scripts will be run from, and the ssh_copy_id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [ip_address_of_Pi_with _the_scripts] copies the needed stuff to the right place.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

OMG - it works!!! 😄 I simpley chosed now 'id_rsa' as filename and that's it! never thought that taking an other name would have such an impact. Thanks a lot again, I will now test to send the ssh command out of iobroker, to motioneye

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

If iobroker runs as Pi it will work. If iobroker runs as root or another user, then you probably will still have issues. Let me know.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

ok, your question seems to be meaningful from the console of the iobroker pi I can run: ssh '' /etc/motioneye/ and also ssh '' /etc/motioneye/ But both doesn't work when calling it from iobroker/blockly: grafik

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Try: sudo -u pi ssh /etc/motioneye/ make sure the iobroker user is in group sudo with the command: getent group sudo should list at least pi

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

no sorry, does not work

'getent group sudo' does prompt pi

PS. from console the command works

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

List the users: sudo cat /etc/shadow do you see an iobroker user? (they are not in alpha order)

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

yes iobroker is listet there

in parallel I spent some research in the iobroker forum and found similiar problems from other users there the solution seems to be, that one has to creat the respective key (ssh-keygen, .. etc) in the context of the iobroker user

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Or maybe run: ps aux | grep iobroker and report what's in the first column.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

shows a long list which adapters iobroker seems running the first column always shows 'iobroker'

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Try doing what your research showed to get a ssh key for iobroker. Probably won't work because iobroker is a system account. ssh-keygen save the file to /home/iobroker/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [ip_address_of_Pi_with _the_scripts] If you can, then change your command to: ssh /etc/motioneye/ Might have to step back and re-think...

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

it seems to become an endless story ... ;-)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo su -P iobroker -s /bin/bash
iobroker@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/iobroker/.ssh/id_rsa): id_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 

Enter same passphrase again: 

Saving key "id_rsa" failed: Permission denied
starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Does the path exist? sudo su -i cd /home/iobroker and cd /home/iobroker/.ssh ??? if not, then make them: mkdir -p /home/iobroker/.ssh chown -r iobroker:iobroker /home/iobroker exit then try your keygen commands again.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

yep, is there and iobroker is already the owner of both

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

If you do ls -la /home/iobroker what are the owner and group?

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

drwxr-xr-x 7 iobroker iobroker 4096 Jul 31 15:23 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Mai 11 2020 .. -rw------- 1 iobroker iobroker 27 Jul 31 15:34 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 iobroker iobroker 220 Apr 18 2019 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 iobroker iobroker 3523 Feb 13 2020 .bashrc drwxr-xr-x 3 iobroker iobroker 4096 Mai 11 2020 .cache drwx------ 3 iobroker iobroker 4096 Mai 11 2020 .config -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18 Jun 15 21:00 iobrok_data.db -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 Jun 15 21:03 iobrok_data.sqlite drwxr-xr-x 2 iobroker iobroker 4096 Nov 1 2020 .lgtv2 drwxr-xr-x 6 iobroker iobroker 4096 Jul 26 22:56 .npm -rw-r--r-- 1 iobroker iobroker 807 Apr 18 2019 .profile drwx------ 2 iobroker iobroker 4096 Jul 30 22:05 .ssh

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

ok, I'm called here for some other stuff (family ;-) ) it might be the case that I'm able to continue here at least tomorrow evening thanks for now and 'see' you :-)

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

I will cogitate a while. I understand about family & life. Enjoy.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I found another hour in the evening and followed up with the respective chat in the iobroker forum. At least it went as following:

  1. iobroker (or other user) entry in passwd has to be changed from:
    • iobroker:....../home/iobroker:/usr/sbin/nologin to
    • iobroker:....../home/iobroker:/bin/bash
  2. one has to switch to user iobroker to set up the key under his account
  3. then ssh-keygen (as user iobroker)
  4. the key then has to be copied to the remote-client by:
    • cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
  5. the shell command in blockly then has to look like this
    • ssh /etc/motioneye/

PS. That works propperly, but having a direct shell command via port 7999 in the end would be much more convenient. When e. g. setting up one of the systems newly, I aks myself if I would remember all that. Surely I made my notes in my personal documentation ... Thanks again for your support 👍

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

No problem. As a security issue, should you change it back to nologin? As to the port 7999, that is motion's port, notification is a motionEye script...

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

you are right, I will switch iobroker's rights back 👍 regarding the port: aha ok, I thought it can be used for both ...

In general having the possibility for a 'standard' convenient respective ability, I guess would be meaningful 😄 Reason: When beeing at home, one would like to store snaphots, e. g. from the front door, on the pi, but maybe (as me) would not like to get them in parallel via mail. When leaving the house, then a respective button in a home automation frontend (or an respective automatic function) would be very cool to activate mailing in an easy way, without recreation of the whole mail configuration each time.

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

No problem. The WebGUI is on port 80 or 8765 (motionEyeOS or motionEye). There isn't a command port for it. 7999 is for controlling motion. try it with http://ipaddress:7999, too.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

I know, I'm already using this way for switching motion detection in general on and off. That was why I was asking in this direction...

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Motion DETECTION can be controlled with 7999, it's a motion function. I think that is what you are saying that you understand.

Pedder007 commented 3 years ago

yep 😄, sorry I'm not that deep in and thus maybe do not differentiate propperly.

I stepped in that whole field of open source home automation and video surveillance now only two years ago and mostly only have the evenings to bring it forward. The entire field is very cool and flexible, but not that easy to tackle for one who has a solide technical and IT understanding, but is e. g. not a developer or a linux expert ... ;-)

It's getting late again here, take care and bye for now 😄