motioneye-project / motioneye

A web frontend for the motion daemon.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Whitebalance and ISO shutter-time #423

Open dfect opened 7 years ago

dfect commented 7 years ago


I use motioneye with the raspi-cam (the new NOIR-8MP version) and a raspberry 3. Often the streamed and recorded video and photos become very blue in tone but also very dark. Is there some way to modify the White Balance or shutter time or some other way improving the dark areas present?

Using raspistill with the following settings takes photos with more natural color and more brighten areas. Is it possible to make similar settings in motioneye?

sudo raspistill -o picture.jpg --timeout 1000 --shutter 100000 --ISO 100000 -awb off -awbg 0.88,0.97

chrisf4lc0n commented 7 years ago

You can play around with brightness and contrast by adding it to 'Extra Motion Options' Like: brightness 124 contrast 34

EDIT: Just remember to disable Automatic Brightness.

dfect commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I've tried different brightness, contrast, hue and v4l2_palette settings, all seems to affect but in other ways. Seems hard to adjust the actual shutter time in each photo (or in similar way as raspistill).

chrisf4lc0n commented 7 years ago

You can in fact use imagemagick to post process the photo. This is what I use to flip the photo: convert -rotate 180 /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/$t$d.jpg /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/$t$d.jpg but imagemagick gives you much more:

EDIT: Just write a simple sh script to do that for every new image and stick it into the crontab to be run every so often.