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Best advice for wind and trees? #1723

Open talormanda opened 5 years ago

talormanda commented 5 years ago

During the winter, I get a lot of shadow movement from trees losing their leaves and the wind. I tried to use the Smart Mask Type but it kept triggering the same areas over and over. Is there anything I am missing or something I can do to better combat this issue other than disabling entire sections of the camera?

mb39924 commented 5 years ago

Have you tried if turning the Despeckle Filter (under motion detection) on has any effect?

talormanda commented 5 years ago

@mb39924 - do you know what that does? (tldr?)

mb39924 commented 5 years ago

Yes I know but a had the same problem and it helped reduce the notifications.

talormanda commented 5 years ago

@mb39824 - I'm asking what it does to explain to me, not if you know what the concept is.

jasaw commented 5 years ago

@talormanda Despeckle filter allows you to erode and dilate the pixels according to your needs. Read if you want to know exactly what it does. I suggest you modify the despeckle_filter field in thread-1.conf file by hand if you want anything other than EedDl because MotionEyeOS Despeckle filter only sets EedDl.

From my personal experience, I find EeEeEedDdDdDl works best for my set up. I get minimal false triggers from wind and trees. Moving clouds on the other hand is still giving me grieve.

AndyMAu commented 5 years ago

I use masking(editable mode) on some trees in front of my cameras. It is helpful for me as it reduces the overall area which detects movement.

RPiSpy commented 5 years ago

I use the "custom mask" and just mask out the areas with trees and bushes. Obviously you can only mask out so much before you miss a person but I've managed to get a sensible balance. If you mask out a lot you can up the sensitivity in the remaining areas to ensure any movement in the "quiet" areas get caught.