motioneye-project / motioneyeos

A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
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Slow recording fps #1857

Open nopuk opened 5 years ago

nopuk commented 5 years ago

Hi, Running a raspberry pi3 b+ on ,OS Version | motionEyeOS 20180627, yes I know its not up to date.

Before I update to the latest, I was thinking of switching to odroid xu4(q), does this give a nice hi res, smooth recording with motion detection or is it the same as the Pi - I cannot find any review of how well it preforms with motion detection online.

0emanresuym commented 5 years ago

I have Odroid HC1 which shares the same SoC as the XU4 and running it as a HUB, it outperforms any Raspberry.

jasaw commented 5 years ago

Just FYI, latest nightly build now supports hardware accelerated video encoder on Odroid XU4: