Open gezuka77 opened 5 years ago
what version do you use motioneye? have you tried to cleanly install the 20190327 version?
Hi, I am on motionEye Version 0.40rc5 Motion Version 4.2.2 OS Version motionEyeOS dev20190321
have you tried to cleanly install the 20190327 version?
@gezuka77 does the problem appear also when you're viewing the MJPEG stream directly? (e.g. http://ip:8081).
Hi, yes it seems to be there in live view/recording and also in streaming from MotioneyeOs... The artifact comes and goes and also not the same all the time, sometimes takes up almost half the screen.
@gezuka77 then it's probably not a motionEye bug.
It is a clean install so something is clearly not good.. Should I post some error reports? Also, I have an Ubuntu media server and I put MotionEye on that, that does not produce the same artifacts.
You could try adding your network camera as TCP instead of UDP, if we're talking about a RTSP camera. I don't have any other ideas. If you are sure this is not a problem of your camera (i.e. the stream looks good on other programs such as VLC), then you can report a Motion issue.
First issue post on Github. I try to post just the issue and try to get away without posting logs... I am running RPI 3 B+, latest motioneyeos build. Other two cameras are working fine. They are not identical ones. I have tried with/ without the motioneyeos overlay, but problem is the same. The artifacts are going away sometimes and also not on a constant places. Sometimes 1-2 lines sometimes half the image.