motioneye-project / motioneyeos

A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
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Raspberry pi 4G/LTE HAT for internet connection instead 4G router. #2767

Open myscho15 opened 3 years ago

myscho15 commented 3 years ago

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motionEyeOS Version

Latest 202000606

Board Model

Raspberry PI 3B+


Rpi HQ Camera with lens

Network Connection

WIFI with 4G modem Tplink mifi

Hello, i use MotioneyeOS with my Pi with 4G WIFI router as home security system (i use motion triggered pictures and then email notifications). Everthing works fine.

But i want for future dont use 4G Router but i find on internet 4G LTE HAT for raspbery -

Is possible connect this 4G hat to raspberry, insert SIM card and will work internet connection on raspberry/motioneyeos?

Simply i want use 4G LTE raspberry hat instead wifi 4G router, because will my configuration smaller. Is possieble use this hat with motioneyeOS?

Sorry for my poor english. I am raspberry beginner, but i use motioneyeOS on user difficult, i am not programmer.

Thank you verry much.

starbasessd commented 3 years ago

Plug and play on MotionEyeOS? No. May be possible, depending on drivers/modules/etc needed to install to make it usable on motionEyeOS, but I doubt it, due to the locked down nature of motionEyeOS. Usable on motion/motionEye on a full OS like RaspberryPiOS? Again, maybe, but I didn't see any links on WaveShare to do the software to support it.