motioneye-project / motioneyeos

A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
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Auto email notification #2853

Open myscho15 opened 2 years ago

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Preliminary Docs

I confirm that I have read the CONTRIBUTING guide before opening this issue.

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motionEyeOS Version

I am running motionEyeOS version: latest.

Board Model

I am using the following board/model: Raspberry PI 3B+


Rpi HQ

Network Connection



I am using lipo bateries

Hallo all,

I am using my project as security camera, work very well, but i am using 4G router. Rpi and router is connected to Lipo baterries (now is Winter and cold and capatity of bateries is smaller) and sometimes i have problem with router. In motioneye OS i am using motion triggered photos and then email notification, but sometimes a few days motion eye detenct no motion and i dont know if is working or is problem with router or bateries.

Can anyone please send me here a guide how can i setup in motioneye OS automatic daily notification via email? (Notification give me info - system is working and is alive. (Simple email like test email notification) this function will handy and Nice.

Thank all ;-)

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

If you can connect to the Pi, you can run the command vcgencmd get_throttled to see if it has run into low voltage issues. Will take a look at your auto-email request shortly.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Hay thank for the answer.

i dont have problem with low voltage (i have 3s lipo with BMS and rpi is connected with micro usb (usb with voltage step down). In this case i cannot have problem with low voltage. But sometimes i dont have time get to my cabin and change bateries and i dont know if motioneye is running or not. Sometimes i get daily 100 email notification with 5-6images (deers, birds, sun etc) sometimes i get 5 notification daily, sometimes 0 (and that is problem, when is this day with 0 notification, 8day after change batery i dont know if camera still work or batery is death (depend on days before and how much e-mails send.

Rpi i use for my project run 6month - i only change bateries- if is more days with many emails work 7-8days, but if is more days with few emails work 8-10 days.

i have sometimes problem with data on router and when i change batery and i forget check if i have enough data on SIM card then notification will not work (no data no e-mail:D). This is major problem i want to solve this problem with this notification.

If i become every 12hour email with notification -i know camera is runing and my cabin is secure :) than will be nice.

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Never assume battery voltage is good, nor assume the Pi isn't overheating. Even on "Official" power supplies, when there is too much current draw, it can go 'low voltage', especially on batteries. The Messages log on 20200606 and dev20201026 show watchdog temperature and low voltage alarms. I am looking at something for your notifications.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Uff i didnt know that, i check that and send here the logs if is good or not. I use only small pasive heatsinks (lastly i check logs will temperature 48-57)- its Ok?. Battery is 54AH Sony vtc6. I use my device 6month and work very well. But this week i send here logs. Big thank you for you patiente and kindly answers.

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

48-57 is OK. Still looking. Got to go prep dinner, so will be offline for a while.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Thank you dont rush that have time. I am going sleep -morning work. But i am very happy that good and helpfull people still live :-)

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

OK. ssh into the pi with motionEyeOS run the following commands cd /data/usr nano ./ copy-paste the following:

import smtplib, ssl port = 465 # For SSL smtpServer = "" sender_email = "" # Enter your gmail account address receiver_email = "" # Enter receiver address (can be the same) password = "your_gmail_password" message = "motionEyeOS System is up." context = ssl.create_default_context() mailServer = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtpServer, port ) mailServer.login(sender_email, password) mailServer.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message) mailServer.quit()

Edit the marked lines to match your accounts and password \<ctrl>x y \<enter> to save Now enter crontab -e 0 x,y * * * python /data/usr/
# x and y are hour of day you want notice e.g. 6,18 would be 6a and 6p \<ctrl>x y \<enter> to save You can test by running python /data/usr/ and look for the email in your account. Hope this helps, it's somewhat 'quick and dirty'...

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Any thoughts?

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Hay, i dont test set in few days i will have device and i will try, your Command. Thank you i Wish will work. Sorry i have now Corona :-/ and feel bad.

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Hope you feel better soon.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Hay, first thank you for help.

i make all you write and test email is working. i will wait to tommorow if will work auto.

I have learn something new : how to connect to device via ssh :D i am noob.

I mean that this function will good in future release of motioneyeos on normal UI :)

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

I hope it works (does what you want / need) for you. I'm not a programmer, but I get along in python to a point. It is amazing what you can learn by accident trying to fix something else, like how SSH works.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Hay, i setup the time 10, 20 (10am and 8pm).

but 20:00 email sent (its work), but now come one email every minute. its something wrong :-/

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

I hope it works (does what you want / need) for you. I'm not a programmer, but I get along in python to a point. It is amazing what you can learn by accident trying to fix something else, like how SSH works.

yeah you are programmer you create somthing with code... i am only user, i want know how to programming a try this few times, but i dont know ho start :(

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Post your crontab setting line for the command

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Here's a fair youtube video to help learn python: There's a few good sites associated with RPiFoundation to learn the basics on their site:

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

This?: 10,20 python /data/usr/

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is the line. oops. Figured it out. Set the first * to 0 That will cause it to only run at 10:00 and 20:00. That makes the line:

0 10,20 * python /data/usr/

My fault, my mistake...

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Hay, thank you... what makes one letter :D i change to 21:00 i will wait for email.

Its nic know tha still exist people thay can and want help to another :-)

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

I made my living as an Enterprise / Level 3 Help Desk person for the past 25+ years. It's what I do. I do this application (motionEye / motionEyeOS) as partial payback for an excellent system. I toss in things like this because I will use it in other systems I use...

starbasessd commented 2 years ago

I don't know what time zone you are in, please let me know if that last change fixed your issue.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Its working, i will test it few days. I hope will work good.

But i found a small problem: if both email is the same (sender and receiver) but i email message display only sender and “Bcc” and dont display recierver adress.

if i setup sender email (one adress) reciever (second adress) display email on second adress but reciever in email message is missing.

92193320-0817-4FA8-86DB-B5E3534C7CEE 560C81D2-94F9-4522-A879-2832456F2DEC

its only small problem.

starbasessd commented 2 years ago


starbasessd commented 2 years ago

I only use GMail web browser mail not the android app. I don't know. I click the info arrow next to "Me" and it shows sender, who it was sent to, which email server(s) it went through, etc. Sorry.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

Yes, but in classic email from motioneye (is normal display sender and reciever) - email notification motion triggered.

but this email “its alive” looks like photos i send.

its only small issue :-) will good fix this for future if anyone will want implement into motioneyeOS UI :-)

i try Gmail client.

myscho15 commented 2 years ago

this looks classic email from motioneyeOS if detect motion…


but i am very gratefull for you help. :-) thank you.