motioneye-project / motioneyeos

A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
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Feature Request - Enable / Disable Motion detection through special url #80

Open morbak opened 8 years ago

morbak commented 8 years ago


Is it possible to add Enable & Disable motion detection function for all cameras on same time (pre-configured) via an url acces through frontend webserver?

The aim is to drive this function with smartphone (android domotique software, i've already wrote). When we leave and return back Home... a simple clik on the button will ensure the motion survey

The smartphone application will send to router IP SATIC an url with a special syntax command (Enable/Disable Motion) and with several aleatory parameters to ensure security acces (ie: based on the serial board serail number and a pre défined user code....).

ccrisan commented 8 years ago

Not yet, but planned.

ozett commented 8 years ago

if you go further into homeautomation/domotique solutions, you will find (i.e. on esp8266/EspEasy) solutions like url-trigger and also most often nowadays the same with MQTT subscriptions. if you dont find details with google, let me know. but maybe it url-hooks are planned, please think over MQTT cmd at the same time. should be easy to program both with one api...

ccrisan commented 8 years ago

URL hooks and other API functions are planned indeed. MQTT on the other hand is not on the table yet.

leehonan commented 8 years ago

On a similar front, I want to start/stop continuous recording, probably via a WS call implemented in python. I’m happy to hack up a solution in the meantime - can you please point me to where the ‘movie’ control is implemented? Can it be changed at runtime (i.e. without restarting processes)?

bortek commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue due to interest. If still interested please post your question in the forum page.