motiv-labs / janus

An API Gateway written in Go
MIT License
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Probably a network error, is the server down?: [object Object] #435

Closed tms2003 closed 3 years ago

tms2003 commented 4 years ago

I try to use janus's demo page.and I get this error:

Probably a network error, is the server down?: [object Object]

I noticed the page get a url like this:

In fact,this no programe listen to the port 8089. and I try to do like this: ` cp /root/janus-gateway/conf/janus.transport.http.jcfg.sample /opt/janus/etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg

nano /opt/janus/etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg

https = true secure_port = 8089

admin: admin_https = true

certificates: cert_pem = "/opt/cert.pem" cert_key = "/opt/pkey.pem" `

so,maybe some error stop to configs to general /janus.transport.http.jcfg .my config and run like this:

./configure --prefix=/opt/janus --enable-websockets


and get this: ` Janus commit: 0028c714080fc3e4aad0a85171b1dfc73d2489cc Compiled on: 2020? 03? 31? ??? 15:30:04 CST

Logger plugins folder: /opt/janus/lib/janus/loggers [WARN] Couldn't access logger plugins folder...

Starting Meetecho Janus (WebRTC Server) v0.9.3

Checking command line arguments... Debug/log level is 4 Debug/log timestamps are disabled Debug/log colors are enabled Adding 'vmnet' to the ICE ignore list... Using as local IP... [WARN] Token based authentication disabled Initializing recorder code Initializing ICE stuff (Full mode, ICE-TCP candidates disabled, half-trickle, IPv6 support disabled) STUN server to use: (IPv4) Testing STUN server: message is of 20 bytes Our public address is TURN server to use: (udp) TURN REST API backend: (disabled) Crypto: OpenSSL pre-1.1.0 [WARN] The libsrtp installation does not support AES-GCM profiles Fingerprint of our certificate: 7C:04:84:B5:9F:20:26:7B:1D:E4:17:BD:C0:3C:BE:98:51:E5:1C:DB:BD:A5:78:B1:3E:C8:C7:84:FD:2C:5D:FE [WARN] Event handlers support disabled Plugins folder: /opt/janus/lib/janus/plugins Loading plugin ''... JANUS TextRoom plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS Record&Play plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS VideoRoom plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS EchoTest plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS Streaming plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS VideoCall plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS VoiceMail plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS AudioBridge plugin initialized! Loading plugin ''... JANUS NoSIP plugin initialized! Transport plugins folder: /opt/janus/lib/janus/transports Loading transport plugin ''... [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Janus API) [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Admin API) [WARN] No Unix Sockets server started, giving up... [WARN] The 'janus.transport.pfunix' plugin could not be initialized Loading transport plugin ''... Sessions watchdog started Joining Janus requests handler thread [WARN] libwebsockets has been built without IPv6 support, will bind to IPv4 only libwebsockets logging: 0 WebSockets server started (port 8188)... Secure WebSockets server started (port 8989)... [WARN] Admin WebSockets server disabled Secure Admin WebSockets server started (port 7989)... JANUS WebSockets transport plugin initialized! Loading transport plugin ''... RabbitMQ SSL support disabled [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Janus API) [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Admin API) [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up [WARN] The 'janus.transport.rabbitmq' plugin could not be initialized WebSockets thread started `

so,is sth error ?why not listen 8089(is websocket plugin's reason )?

vgarvardt commented 3 years ago

I guess you're having issue with that is WebRTC server that is not related to Janus API Gateway, just the same name.