motom001 / DoorPi

OpenSource VoIP Door-Intercomstation
238 stars 85 forks source link

Version: 2.5.1 (2016-08-01) #168

Closed motom001 closed 7 years ago

motom001 commented 7 years ago

+ add
- remove
~ change
/ reference to commit
! fix issue or kown bug

Version: 2.5.1 (2016-08-01)
+ add bouncetime to pn532 keyboard (#167) @Nea @pula @RaspiEHU
! flapping pn532 keyboard (#167)
! Adjusted a few minot things to make doorpi work with pjsua again (#163)
! fix record_filename bug (#166) @pahenning
scrutinizer-notifier commented 7 years ago

The inspection completed: No new issues