motom001 / DoorPi

OpenSource VoIP Door-Intercomstation
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DoorPi successfully shut down #192

Closed TeKiSSJ-rgb closed 2 years ago

TeKiSSJ-rgb commented 3 years ago

Hey Guys,

I'm using a RPI 3b with the newest Raspbian Stretch Version. On the RPI is DoorPi & Linphone installed, and it worked until I installed Motion. The DoorPi don't start anymore with the followed failure Log

2020-11-06 15:44:16,123 [INFO] [doorpi.conf.config_object] use configfile: /usr/local/etc/DoorPi/conf/doorpi.ini

2020-11-06 15:44:16,151 [WARNING] [doorpi.status.webserver] failed to initiating WebService at ip and port 80 ([Errno 98] Address already in use)

2020-11-06 15:44:16,152 [WARNING] [doorpi.status.webserver] failed to initiating WebService at ip and port 80 ([Errno 98] Address already in use)

2020-11-06 15:44:16,153 [INFO] [doorpi.status.webserver] Initiating WebService at ip and port 8080

2020-11-06 15:44:16,168 [INFO] [doorpi.keyboard.KeyboardInterface] using multi-keyboard mode (keyboards: rfidreader, testsystem)

2020-11-06 15:44:16,169 [INFO] [doorpi.keyboard.KeyboardInterface] trying to add keyboard 'rfidreader' to handler

2020-11-06 15:44:16,170 [WARNING] [root] section rfidreader_OutputPins not found in configfile

2020-11-06 15:44:16,197 [WARNING] [root] section rfidreader_OutputPins not found in configfile

2020-11-06 15:44:16,199 [INFO] [doorpi.keyboard.KeyboardInterface] trying to add keyboard 'testsystem' to handler

2020-11-06 15:44:17,348 [INFO] [doorpi.doorpi] ======== DoorPi successfully shutdown ========

The error message is always the same if I try to start doorpi.cli

I have updated the whole Raspberry Pi and all Packets have the newest Version

Have anyone a Idea what is the Problem / Solution?

(Sorry for my bad english)

Wuestengecko commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately this log doesn't have anything that would suggest a reason for the shutdown.

  1. What's the full command line that you use to start DoorPi normally?
  2. Please post your config file (make sure to remove private information like passwords, telephone numbers etc.).
  3. Try generating a debug log with the following command, then attach the created doorpi-debug.log to this issue:

    doorpi_cli (your other options here, if any) --debug &> doorpi-debug.log

motom001 commented 2 years ago

bitte neu eröffnen, wenn noch aktuell - Danke!