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Added persisted check for AR timestamped_migrations #147

Closed CandyFet closed 9 months ago

CandyFet commented 9 months ago


Igneous commented 9 months ago

Hey guys (@CandyFet && @omohokcoj ), thanks for the work on this. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I think I see a couple issues.

Two problems I think I see:

  1. Now we're checking whether or not activerecord can respond_to timestamped_migrations, rather than whether or not timestamped migrations are enabled.
  2. In rails 7.1 and above, timestamped_migrations exists in ActiveRecord.timestamped_migrations, not ActiveRecord::Base, so it'll always default to generating numbered migrations.

Am I imagining these problems, is this a proper fix?

omohokcoj commented 9 months ago

@Igneous good point, thanks - a proper fix has been added into master: