motor-admin / motor-admin-rails

Low-code Admin panel and Business intelligence Rails engine. No DSL - configurable from the UI. Rails Admin, Active Admin, Blazer modern alternative.
MIT License
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Basic auth example? #159

Closed alinazulfiqar closed 3 months ago

alinazulfiqar commented 6 months ago

I see this in the documentation:

Admin panel can be secured with 'Basic authentication' by specifying MOTOR_AUTH_USERNAME and MOTOR_AUTH_PASSWORD environment variables.

but I'm not sure how to set up routes.rb to trigger a basic username/password prompt from the browser when hitting /motor_admin

dpedoneze commented 4 months ago

You just have to mount it on your app route:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount Motor::Admin => '/motor_admin'

And set the env variables MOTOR_AUTH_USERNAME and MOTOR_AUTH_PASSWORD. If you use dotenv, you can have a .env file with:
