Stores are filtered based on which Magento Store they belong to within the "main.phtml" line 157
however, the "limesharp_stockists.js" doesn't filter the same way, displaying all stores even if they are not enabled for the current Magento Store.
I added the followings to enable marker filtering:
around line 214:
"limesharp_stockists": {
// add the store id to the config js object so we can pick it up later
"storeId" : "<?php echo $storeId; ?>",
around line 19:
var magentoStoreId = config.storeId;
around line 119:
// Split the store_id into an array
var magentoStoresEnabled = data.store_id.split(',');
// convert the magentoStoreId into a string so inArray works
magentoStoreId = magentoStoreId.toString();
// Wrap the markers config & .push into this IF statement
if(jQuery.inArray(magentoStoreId, magentoStoresEnabled) !== -1) {
I hope this helps @ClaudiuCreanga to track down the issue and apply a (potentially more elegant) fix.
Many thanks for this module! It's awesome.
Stores are filtered based on which Magento Store they belong to within the "main.phtml" line 157 however, the "limesharp_stockists.js" doesn't filter the same way, displaying all stores even if they are not enabled for the current Magento Store.
I added the followings to enable marker filtering:
around line 214:
"limesharp_stockists.js" around line 19:
var magentoStoreId = config.storeId;
around line 119:
I hope this helps @ClaudiuCreanga to track down the issue and apply a (potentially more elegant) fix. Many thanks for this module! It's awesome.