Closed d3smo closed 1 year ago
There is currently no function that enables you to manipulate the content of a folder. This will be supported later.
Could it be possible to include a line to have the ability of creating a text file of the directory content. Like this cmd does dir /b >filename.txt
On the web page ( I found a Script that directly executes the command "dir /b > list.txt".
I have inserted a new line in the file "file-manage.nss" and it works correctly.
SHELL 1.8.38 //file.manage.nss
item(type='back.dir' title='Listado del directorio' image=[\uE0AD,#4CC2FE] cmd='D:\PROGRAMAS\PORTABLES\SHELL Menú Contextual_TRADUCCIÓN - EDICIÓN SHELL\Listado de archivos.bat')
The argument of the command "cmd" is the 'Path of the script':D:\PROGRAMAS\PORTABLES\SHELL Menú Contextual_TRADUCCIÓN - EDICIÓN SHELL\Listado de archivos.bat
I have changed the name of the script "0000_copiarNombresArchivos_de_carpeta_a_txt.bat" to "Listado de archivos.bat"
Could it be possible to include a line to have the ability of creating a text file of the directory content. Like this cmd does dir /b >filename.txt
Solved, thanks to the help of Rubic (Discord/Nilesoft Community)
The bottom line, directly creates a listing of the directory items in a file titled "#Listado_Directorio.txt".
item(type='back.dir' title='Listado del directorio' image=[\uE03B] cmd args=' /k (dir/b > #Listado_Directorio.txt) & exit')
Works perfectly, here is just an update to have an image working for all and english translation
item(type='back.dir' title='File List to txt File' image=icon.new_file cmd args=' /k (dir/b > File_List.txt) & exit')
Could it be possible to include a line to have the ability of creating a text file of the directory content. Like this cmd does dir /b >filename.txt