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Goto - Documentation of how to GoTo a specific folder #331

Closed SandeeepKiran closed 12 months ago

SandeeepKiran commented 1 year ago

Goto - Documentation of how to GoTo a specific folder

Quite often we need to open a specific folder. say mine is called "01_Conversations" and another called "Template"

"C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\01_Conversation" and another C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\WORK\My Team - Project - UserName's Files\02 - My Emails - Folder\My Project Setups\My Setup Template - UserName_edits.docx

Now, I tried. item(title='Conversations' image=inherit cmd=user.desktop.01_Conversations) item(title='Conversations' image=inherit cmd=user.desktop.'C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\WORK\My Team - Project - UserName's Files\02 - My Emails - Folder\My Project Setups\My Setup Template - UserName_edits.docx')


item(title='Conversations' image=inherit cmd=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\WORK\My Team - Project - UserName's Files\02 - My Emails - Folder\My Project Setups\My Setup Template - UserName_edits.docx)

item(title='Conversations' image=inherit cmd='C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\WORK\My Team - Project - UserName's Files\02 - My Emails - Folder\My Project Setups\My Setup Template - UserName_edits.docx')

No matter what, I could not get this to work as intended. I tried searching the Documentations, but to not much avail

kaser2010 commented 1 year ago

try this in goto file item(title='Name' image=\uE1F4 cmd='folder path') Just edit Name and folder path

RubicBG commented 1 year ago

cmd='folder path' only works for paths, if you want to open a file (because it sees '.docx') use: cmd='app path' args='file path'

item(title='Open Text document' cmd='notepad.exe' args='@user.desktop\test.txt')

One more thing: cmd=user.desktop but cmd="@user.desktop" or cmd='@user.desktop' (