moudey / Shell

Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer
MIT License
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Help for beginers (I can't add an icon) #372

Closed webbrowsertools closed 7 months ago

webbrowsertools commented 7 months ago

I can't add an icon in version 1.8.1 it worked properly. After updating to 1.9.0, icons are not added to nested contextual items. please, if possible, show me a code example on how to add it correctly. 6



modify(find='Запустить с графическим процессором'       title='' image=icon.nvidia2)
modify(find='Высокопроизводительный процессор NVIDIA'       title='' image=icon.nvidia2)
modify(find='Интегрированное графическое оборудование' title='' image=[\uE1E2,#0F4F91])

modify(find='Создать' title='' image=[\uE249])
modify(find='Папку' title='' image=[\uE249])
webbrowsertools commented 7 months ago

solved. Thank "drac from discord" in