moudey / Shell

Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer
MIT License
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Newbie question: How can I consolidate like items (some from third-party apps) into their own submenu? #373

Open cdn-content opened 7 months ago

cdn-content commented 7 months ago

Just discovered Shell and find it to be incredibly flexible, albeit with a learning curve. Have tried other context menu extensions in the past but Shell seems to be the most customizable of all.

This may seem a newbie question, but: I have applications installed that leave their own various commands in various places throughout the context menu. What I am wondering is how I might consolidate like items from third-party programs (i.e. not Windows) into their own submenu? For instance below, how might I incorporate "Upload to Icedrive" and "Upload to MEGA" into a submenu "Upload to Cloud"? How might I consolidate the various PDF extensions into their own submenu? How might I consolidate the various compression programs into a submenu "Archive Options"? And is there a way to include these submenus as sub-submenus under Shell's own "More Options"?


Programs like ShellMenuEx from the similarly-named NirSoft (I have both, and they are tucked neatly next to each other in the Program Files folder!) allow for picking up the ID of these items in the Registry, and enabling or disabling them, but not to consolidate them into their own subcategory, which I am hopeful that Shell has the potential or capability to do.

Also, if there is a way I can include the standard Cut/Copy/Paste along with third-party items like "TeraCopy," "Unstoppable Copy," and "Bulk Rename" in Shell's own File Manage submenu, that would clean up the context menu quite a bit too.


RubicBG commented 7 months ago

first create an empty menu: menu(mode='multiple' title='Upload to Cloud' image=\uE11F) move item(s) in the menu: modify(find='Upload to Icedrive|Upload to MEGA' menu='Upload to Cloud')

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