moudey / Shell

Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer
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[error] line[1] column[1], Identifier config unexpected "static.nss" #422

Closed rayshabh closed 4 months ago

rayshabh commented 4 months ago

Nilesoft Shell version 1.9.15 64-bit

Whenever I'm trying to import static.nss in shell.nss file by adding a line in the file import 'imports/modify.nss', I get an error [error] line[1] column[1], Identifier config unexpected "static.nss".

The script in static.nss:

    item(where=this.title.length > 25 menu=title.more_options)
    item(find='"graphics options"|"graphics properties"' image=\uE0EE)

By the way, the static.nss import was working fine in the previous version of nilesoft shell.

Please guide me to fix it!

RubicBG commented 4 months ago

this syntax static{ } is no longer used (last used in version 1.8.1). Delete it

rayshabh commented 4 months ago

this syntax static{ } is no longer used (last used in version 1.8.1). Delete it

Okay, now I'm able to import without error but the effect is not working. I'm trying to achieve is to replace the icons of Intel Graphics Properties and Graphics Options in the context menu with some other icon.

Is there some mistake in the script? Btw, I removed the static{ } from static.nss file.

RubicBG commented 4 months ago

Graphics Properties and Graphics Options are in "more option" menu or in the main menu?

rayshabh commented 4 months ago

Graphics Properties and Graphics Options are in "more option" menu or in the main menu?

Hope this helps! Screenshot (38)

moudey commented 4 months ago

The static { } section was removed and the items tag was changed to modify

To change the icon, use this command

modify(find='Graphics Properties' image=#f00)

Save changes, Restart explorer to reload settings.

rayshabh commented 4 months ago

The static { } section was removed and the items tag was changed to modify

To change the icon, use this command

modify(find='Graphics Properties' image=#f00)

Save changes, Restart explorer to reload settings.

Thanks. Added the command in modify.nss file and it worked. By the way, static.nss is depreciated now?