moudey / Shell

Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer
MIT License
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Slow Nilesoft or (old) Windows context menu for several media files, but not all media file types. #428

Open KrazyDeinos opened 4 months ago

KrazyDeinos commented 4 months ago

Using the old context menu in Windows 11, or Nilessoft Shell, I experience the context menu to be slow for media files like mp3, mp4, mkv, mpg etc. But not all media, like aiff, that is instant. Changing a mp4 to .aiff, and the menu in instant.

I think it's related to explorer gathering metadata details for those files. If I turn off the "details panel", restart explorer, the menu is instant on the first mp4 file, until I right click another media file that have "details". So not using the "details panel" didn't work as a workaround.

I realise this is more of a MS issue, but I wonder if there are any solution or workaround to this?

DevLARLEY commented 1 month ago

Having the same issue