moudy / broccoli-taco

Static Sites Powered by Broccoli
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New page folders not caught by watcher unless server restarted #20

Closed omgmog closed 7 years ago

omgmog commented 9 years ago

For example:

$ broccoli-taco serve

And then:

$ mkdir -p site/pages/about/
$ echo "{{#layout}}About{{/layout}}" > site/pages/about/index.hbs
$ echo "body { background: red;}" > site/pages/about/page.scss
$ echo "console.log('about');" > site/pages/about/page.js

The /about page is created, but the page.scss and page.js are not processed until the server is restarted.

Additionally, deleting a page's folder causes the server to die in an non-elegant way:

$ rm -rf site/pages/about/