moudy / broccoli-taco

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Helpers and Handlebars.SafeString #7

Open michaellopez opened 9 years ago

michaellopez commented 9 years ago

I ran into two problems with writing my own helpers in ./helpers.

First of all I would like to overwrite the helpers in Broccoli Taco. This line is preventing me from it. I would much rather have the helpers from Broccoli Taco be defaults that I can overwrite if I wanted to. I understand you want to enforce a consistent API and functionality but I believe that when users helpers are not overwriting the "built-in" ones users get confused, like me :)

It is not that big of a deal naming my helpers something else, I just thought I would ask to see if you would be willing to change it.

Secondly, I cannot see that it is documented anywhere that to make any helpers, that return HTML, work properly with Handlebars.SafeString you have to use var Handlebars = require('broccoli-taco/node_modules/handlebars'). Otherwise you end up with your own instance of Handlebars and Handlebars.SafeString that will not match the one used inside Broccoli Taco.

I guess there is an instanceof check or similar inside Handlebars for the SafeString mechanism that makes an instance of Handlebars.SafeString from one Handlebars instance not work with another.

I doubt think could be improved but at least it could be documented better to save other people the time I put in to find the cause. So either use var Handlebars = require('broccoli-taco/node_modules/handlebars') or "triple-stash" ({{{my-helper}}}) for helpers created by users, both will work.

moudy commented 9 years ago

@michaellopez thanks for the input. I think being able to overwrite the default helpers is ok. I need to look into the Handlebars.SafeString issue more but using var Handlebars = require('broccoli-taco/node_modules/handlebars') seems like an ok short term fix.

I'll try to fix this soon. Pull request are always welcome :)