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Interested in Postgres support? #8

Open crcastle opened 3 years ago

crcastle commented 3 years ago

mLab MongoDB is discontinuing their Heroku add-on. Would you be interested in a PR adding Postgres support? Heroku has a free Postgres tier. I haven't looked at how much work this would require, but I'm happy to put some time into this if it's a PR you'd consider. I wouldn't remove MongoDB support, just add Postgres as an alternative.

CleanShot 2020-07-31 at 12 51 11@2x


jamalx31 commented 3 years ago

@crcastle, I think adding support to Postgres would be great. not sure if it will be easy to support both, be we could have 2 sperate branches for each?

crcastle commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jamalx31. I've got a few projects taking up my time now, but I'll do some proof-of-concept-ing over the next month or so and let you know how it turns out.