Closed dshkol closed 5 years ago
@mountainMath what do you think about this?
Already fixed I think?
> cma.ct <- get_census("CA16", regions=list(CMA="59933"),
+ vectors = "v_CA16_1", level = "CT",
+ labels = "short", geo_format = NA)
Querying CensusMapper API...
Downloading: 10 kB
> glimpse(cma.ct)
Observations: 478
Variables: 12
$ GeoUID <chr> "9330001.01", "9330001.02", "9330002.01", "9330002.03", "9330002.04", "9330003.01", "9330003.02", "9330004.01", "9330004.02", "933…
$ Type <fct> CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT…
$ `Region Name` <fct> Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver…
$ `Area (sq km)` <dbl> 1.01953, 2.02898, 2.02909, 0.78516, 0.84513, 0.54316, 1.19645, 1.63291, 1.24706, 1.59397, 0.91749, 1.09361, 2.84304, 1.41849, 3.19…
$ Population <dbl> 6293, 5456, 6150, 4077, 4509, 3714, 4613, 4925, 5652, 7302, 4699, 5233, 5543, 3452, 1652, 4200, 7103, 5352, 4741, 6615, 8102, 6485…
$ Dwellings <dbl> 2334, 2132, 2631, 1497, 1652, 1210, 1429, 2537, 1847, 4444, 1784, 1925, 2373, 1256, 615, 1619, 3440, 2389, 1760, 2642, 3337, 2398,…
$ Households <dbl> 2314, 2089, 2507, 1292, 1560, 1080, 1316, 1928, 1689, 4326, 1687, 1827, 2157, 1153, 578, 1495, 3199, 2212, 1647, 2310, 2904, 2155,…
$ CMA_UID <chr> "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "59933", "599…
$ PR_UID <chr> "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59", "59"…
$ CSD_UID <chr> "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022", "5915022"…
$ CD_UID <chr> "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5915", "5…
$ v_CA16_1 <dbl> 6295, 5455, 6150, 4080, 4510, 3715, 4615, 4925, 5655, 7305, 4700, 5235, 5545, 3455, 1655, 4200, 7105, 5355, 4740, 6615, 8100, 6485…
Must have missed this. Closing.
I noticed that when data is pulled without geo, we lose a couple of useful columns.
I think that the additional columns for
etc. should be retained even when no geo format is specified as its a common requirement to merge and aggregate at different levels of census geography, even when not explicitly working with spatial data. This would reduce load on the server by reducing the number of unnecessary calls for spatial data.