### [`v4.42.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.42.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.6...v4.42.0)
### Bugfixes
- Disable constant replacements in `"use asm"` scope
- Update schema to disallow functions for `output.hotUpdateChunkFilename` as this doesn't work
- Hoist exports in concatenated module to handle circular references with non-concatenated modules correctly
- Flag all modules as used in DLLs to fix missing exports
### [`v4.41.6`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.6)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.5...v4.41.6)
### Bugfixes
- Windows network paths are considered as absolute paths
- fix hanging of FlagDependencyExportsPlugin when using `export *` in a circular matter
### [`v4.41.5`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.5)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.4...v4.41.5)
### Bugfixes
- handle relative paths with `webpack://` prefix in SourceMaps correctly
- fixes a non-determinism about `providedExports` with `export *` which caused changing module hashes and unnecessary HMR invalidation
### [`v4.41.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.4)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.3...v4.41.4)
### Bugfixes
- fix case where `__webpack_require__.e` is not a function when using module concatenation
- fix incorrect imported module when using sideEffects in a certain constellation of export names
### Performance
- lazy-require Webassembly related modules for improved startup performance
### [`v4.41.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.2...v4.41.3)
### Security
- force upgrade terser-webpack-plugin dependency for security fix (not affecting webpack)
### Funding
- add npm funding field to package.json
### [`v4.41.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.1...v4.41.2)
### Bugfixes
- fix issue with invalide timezone
### [`v4.41.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.0...v4.41.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix incorrect request shortening when directory looks similar to parent directory
- fix crash when timezone is unknown
### [`v4.41.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.3...v4.41.0)
### Developer Experience
- disallow cache group named test with shorthand syntax to point out a potential config error
### Performance
- Improve performance of LimitChunkCountPlugin
### [`v4.40.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.2...v4.40.3)
### Bugfixes
- fix a bug that the HMR plugin affected child compilations
### Performance
- improve performance of splitChunks name option by caching hashed value
- improve rebuild performance by caching module size computation
### [`v4.40.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.1...v4.40.2)
### Bugfixes
- fix a bug where asset is undefined
### [`v4.40.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.0...v4.40.1)
### Bugfixes
- convert "multiple assets emit to the same filename" error into a warning
- compare asset content when multiple assets emit to the same filename
### [`v4.40.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.3...v4.40.0)
### Features
- adds asset info for emitted assets
- new methods allow easy emitting/updating of assets `compilation.emitAsset/updateAsset` (instead of accessing the Object `compilation.assets`)
- new getter methods to get assets `compilation.getAssets()` and `compilation.getAsset(name)`
- 3 flags in asset info:
- `immutable`: when set an asset can be cache infinitely
- `development`: when set an asset is some kind of development tool (i. e. a SourceMap)
- `hotModuleReplacement`: when set an asset is generated for an hot update
- Stats expose `info` object in assets
- String version of Stats show flags
### [`v4.39.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.2...v4.39.3)
### Bugfixes
- fix a missing module in chunk caused by incorrect chunk graph generation of async chunks
### [`v4.39.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.1...v4.39.2)
### Bugfixes
- fix ProfilingPlugin not ending traces correctly
### [`v4.39.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.0...v4.39.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix problem that progress lines were too long on some terminals
- fix a problem that `...100%` is displayed instead of `100%`
### [`v4.39.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.38.0...v4.39.0)
### Features
- Infrastructure logger for node.js has now colors + symbols to mark different kind of messages
- Logger API has now a `status` method which allows to write temporary status messages
- ProgressPlugin default handler uses the Infrastructure Logger status message to output messages
- Placeholders in paths can now be escaped with i. e. `[\id\]`
- `Compiler.hooks.assetEmitted` have been added to get byte content of emitted assets
### Bugfixes
- Logging output is now aligned to have space for symbols
- renamed `Compiler.hooks.infrastructurelog` to `Compiler.hooks.infrastructureLog`
- Properties that are defined on the Object.prototype can now be chunk ids (i. e. `constructor`)
- `library.name` now supports placeholders in `libraryTarget: "system"`
- 2 places were module profiles were incorrectly captured were fixed
### Dependencies
- Forced upgrade of all direct dependencies
- webpack-sources + terser-webpack-plugin comes with quality optimizations for SourceMaps
### [`v4.38.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.38.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.37.0...v4.38.0)
### Performance
- Improved performance of ProgressPlugin
- Improved performance of chunk graph generation
- This can boost performance when many chunks are used, especially incremental build performance
- Modules from parent chunks are now tracked during chunk graph generation, which allows to skip these modules in async chunks. This often renders `optimization.removeAvailableModules` unneeded, expect in scenarios where chunks are merged during optimization.
- `optimization.removeAvailableModules` is now disabled in development mode by default
- `optimization.removeAvailableModules` will be disabled for all modes in next major release, feel free to disable it in production too if you want extra performance.
### [`v4.37.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.37.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.36.1...v4.37.0)
### Features
- add logging API (see [#9436](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/pull/9436) for details)
### [`v4.36.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.36.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.36.0...v4.36.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix regression in 4.36.0 when using happypack
### [`v4.36.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.36.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.3...v4.36.0)
### Features
- SourceMapDevToolPlugin `append` option now supports the default placeholders in addition to `[url]`
- Arrays in resolve and parser options (Rule and Loader API) support backreferences with `"..."` when overriding options.
### [`v4.35.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.2...v4.35.3)
### Bugfixes
- update acorn to include `import()`
### Performance
- Improved runtime performance for large JSON modules
### [`v4.35.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.1...v4.35.2)
### Bugfixes
- `realResource` must match absolute paths
### [`v4.35.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.0...v4.35.1)
### Bugfixes
- add `realResource` condition in rule to schema
- fixes order of loaders when using a matchResource
### [`v4.35.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.34.0...v4.35.0)
### Features
- ProgressPlugin limit output to column width in terminal
- add `Watching.suspend` and `Watching.resume`
- add `splitChunks.automaticNameMaxLength` and `splitChunks.cacheGroups[x].automaticNameMaxLength`
### Bugfixes
- webworker target now respect `publicPath` when loading chunks
- holey arrays of configs will fail the validation
### [`v4.34.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.34.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.33.0...v4.34.0)
### Features
- Error message when parsing fails shows used loaders now
### Bugfixes
- importing the namespace object from non-ESM (CJS) modules no longer leads to an warning
- Error message in HMR logging works for Firefox too now
- Parser understands block scoping now
### [`v4.33.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.33.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.2...v4.33.0)
### Features
- add `target: "electron-preload"` for electron 5
- renderer should use `target: "web"` in electron 5
### Bugfixes
- fix HMR rejection of removed and readded self-accepted modules
### [`v4.32.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.1...v4.32.2)
### Bugfixes
- fix some weird schema validation messages
- fix problem in production mode (sideEffects + concatenation) which caused reexported values to become undefined (bug since 4.32.0)
### [`v4.32.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.0...v4.32.1)
### Bugfixes
- reverts some changes from 4.32.0 which accidentally disabled some CommonJs features when using `node: false`.
### [`v4.32.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.31.0...v4.32.0)
### Features
- Added `this.mode` to the loader API, to allow loaders to choose defaults by `mode` similar to webpacks options
- Stack Trace for Errors in rejected Promises from `import()` now includes the stack from where the `import()` was called
### Bugfixes
- The Parser can now analyse identifiers in rest patterns too
- `const { a, ...rest } = obj`, where `rest` conflicts with an imported binding etc.
- `node: false` now correctly disables `__dirname` and `__filename` too
- `__dirname` and `__filename` now no longer evaluates to something when `node: false` or `node.__file/dirname: false` is set
- `if(__dirname !== "")` is no longer replaced with `if(true)` in such scenarios
- prefetching chunks is no executed **after** the initial module evaluation
- This allows to override i. e. `__webpack_public_path__` for prefetching too
- fixes a runtime crash when using side-effect-free modules with the DllPlugin
### Contribute
- CI tests node.js 12 now too
- webpack-bot now merges dependabot PRs automatically when status checks succeed
### [`v4.31.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.31.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.30.0...v4.31.0)
### Features
- add `errors-warnings` stats preset
### Bugfixes
- allow top-level return in non-ESM modules
### [`v4.30.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.30.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.6...v4.30.0)
### Features
- add `amd: false` to disable AMD support
- `Compilation.hooks.finishModules` now also allows async plugins
- add `output.libraryTarget: "system"` to compile for SystemJs environment
### Bugfixes
- fix generating a `null` id when concatenating an entry module in a different chunk
- fix unneeded chunk references when splitting modules from chunks
- fix parsing of function name in function scope
### Performance
- Lazy require some internal files
- Faster way to generate function headers
### Contributing
- Run prettier on examples markdown
### [`v4.29.6`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.6)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.5...v4.29.6)
### Bugfixes
- typeof `__webpack_require__` and `require.onError` is no longer evaluated to `undefined` and evaluation is done at runtime instead.
- `this` value in `module.hot.accept` with imported dependency is correctly preserved.
- webassemblyjs updated to latest version
### Contributing
- added a linting step to ensure all dependencies resolve to `npm` modules
### [`v4.29.5`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.5)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.4...v4.29.5)
### Bugfixes
- update `@webassemblyjs` to remove git dependency
### [`v4.29.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.4)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.3...v4.29.4)
### Bugfixes
- update `@webassemblyjs` for bugfixes
### [`v4.29.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.2...v4.29.3)
### Bugfixes
- fixes a bug where `import()` context uses `__webpack_require__.e`, but it is not in the runtime
- WebpackErrors now console.log correctly in node > 10
### [`v4.29.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.1...v4.29.2)
### Internal changes
- update dependencies
### [`v4.29.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.0...v4.29.1)
### Bugfixes
- add missing `__esModule` flag when modules are concatenated, but without usage information
### [`v4.29.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.4...v4.29.0)
### Important Note for npm users
This release updates some dependencies, which may trigger a npm bug. See [here for the webpack issue](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8656). The [npm bug](https://npm.community/t/packages-with-peerdependencies-are-incorrectly-hoisted/4794) has [been fixed](https://togithub.com/npm/cli/pull/147), but a new npm version has not been released yet.
For workarounds see [this comment](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8656#issuecomment-456713191).
Eventually the fix will be to upgrade npm once the bugfix is released.
### Features
- update acorn to v6
- limit the number of in parallel written output files to 15
- add `output.futureEmitAssets` which gives the emitting logic of webpack 5
- assets are replaced with SizeOnlySources
- reading assets after emitting is no longer allowed
- This allows memory to be garbage-collected
### [`v4.28.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.4)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.3...v4.28.4)
### Bugfixes
- `ProfilingPlugin` creates output path if not existing
- fixed support for arrow function functions for `optimization.minimizer`
- failed hooks is now also called when `run()` fails
### [`v4.28.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.3)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.2...v4.28.3)
### Bugfixes
- ProfilingPlugin creates the output folder if necessary
### [`v4.28.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.2)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.1...v4.28.2)
### Bugfixes
- fixes a crash when multiple IgnorePlugins are used
### [`v4.28.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.0...v4.28.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix error in IgnorePlugin when no contextRegExp is passed
### [`v4.28.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.27.1...v4.28.0)
### Features
- IgnorePlugin: `checkResource` has an additional `context` argument
### Bugfixes
- Injection of node.js globals has been disabled for `.mjs` files as it's crashing
### [`v4.27.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.27.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.27.0...v4.27.1)
### Bugfixes
- v4.27.0 accidentially introduced a breaking change. This reverts the change and restores the original behavior for `splitChunks` `enforce`.
### [`v4.27.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.27.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.26.1...v4.27.0)
### Features
- When using functions as plugins they are now also called with the compiler as parameter
- This make it possible to use arrow functions as plugins
- splitChunks.maxSize now emits a warning when minSize > maxSize
- Loaders have now access to a `getResolve` method to create their own resolver function with custom options
### Bugfixes
- splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now behaves as documented and enforce chunk creation
- splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now no longer deletes minSize for maxSize
- fixes a bug where splitChunks cause cacheGroups to be incorrectly merged when using the same name
- now conditions are considered per cacheGroup
- the correct cache group comment is displayed in stats
- fixes a bug which causes providedExports not to be updated on rebuilds when using `export * from`
### [`v4.26.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.26.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.26.0...v4.26.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix a bug where splitChunks.maxSize causes a hanging build
- fix a bug where splitChunks.maxSize crashes when minSize > maxSize
- fix a edgecase where splitChunks.maxSize can cause chunks bigger than minSize
- remove unnecessary code from global builtin
### [`v4.26.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.26.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.25.1...v4.26.0)
### Features
- Switch from uglify-es to terser as default minimizer
Note: While they are officially backward-compatible, it can still happen that a new bugs occurs with terser, which break your production builds. Make sure to validate your production builds after upgrading to this version. (Note that it's always a good idea to test your output assets before deploying.)
If you want to report bugs to terser (), please provide a minimal repro case with minimized and **non-minimized** code. You can configure webpack to generate non-minimized code in production mode by setting `optimization.minimize: false`. When reporting a bug to terser, best report a repro case which doesn't require running webpack and is reproducible with only the terser command line.
See [`optimization.minimizers`](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/optimization/#optimization-minimizer) configuration option to switch back to uglify-es or provide additional minimize options for terser.
### [`v4.25.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.25.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.25.0...v4.25.1)
### Bugfixes
- fix replacement of compile-time constant expression when expression is a wrapped expression (string prefix and/or suffix).
### [`v4.25.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.25.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.24.0...v4.25.0)
### Features
- add `format` option to `DllPlugin` to allow generating formated manifest json
- add flags to `ProgressPlugin` to add and remove information
- entrypoint counter was added, but disabled by default to avoid breaking change
### Bugfixes
- fix code generation for context dependencies when replacing compile-time constant expressions
- disable the effect of the ProvidePlugin for `.mjs`
### [`v4.24.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.24.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.23.1...v4.24.0)
### Features
- allow to pass no dependencies to DefinePlugin runtime value
- `DefinePlugin.runtimeValue(() => {...}, true)` is always evaluated
- add `module` argument to `DefinePlugin.runtimeValue`
### Bugfixes
- update webassemblyjs dependency
- fix bug when using entry names that look like numbers with HMR
### [`v4.23.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.23.1)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.23.0...v4.23.1)
### Bugfixes
- add space when replacing expression with constant
- i. e. for code like `return'development'===process.env.NODE_ENV&&'foo'`
### [`v4.23.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.23.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.22.0...v4.23.0)
### Features
- add `watchMode` flag to Compiler to be able to detect watch mode in plugins
- Prefer chunk names of entrypoints when merging chunks
- add `removedFiles` property to Compiler to detect removed files
### Bugfixes
- publish declarations to npm
- upgrade `@webassemblyjs/*` for bugfix
- fix crash when using a side-effect-free wasm module in production mode
### Internal changes
- test on node.js 12
- fix memory leak in test suite
### [`v4.22.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.21.0...v4.22.0)
[Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.21.0...v4.22.0)
### [`v4.21.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.20.2...v4.21.0)
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### [`v4.20.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.20.1...v4.20.2)
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### [`v4.20.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.20.0...v4.20.1)
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### [`v4.20.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.19.1...v4.20.0)
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### [`v4.19.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.19.0...v4.19.1)
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### [`v4.19.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.18.1...v4.19.0)
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### [`v4.18.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.18.0...v4.18.1)
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### [`v4.18.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.17.3...v4.18.0)
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### [`v4.17.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.17.2...v4.17.3)
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### [`v4.17.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.17.1...v4.17.2)
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v4.42.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.42.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.6...v4.42.0) ### Bugfixes - Disable constant replacements in `"use asm"` scope - Update schema to disallow functions for `output.hotUpdateChunkFilename` as this doesn't work - Hoist exports in concatenated module to handle circular references with non-concatenated modules correctly - Flag all modules as used in DLLs to fix missing exports ### [`v4.41.6`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.6) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.5...v4.41.6) ### Bugfixes - Windows network paths are considered as absolute paths - fix hanging of FlagDependencyExportsPlugin when using `export *` in a circular matter ### [`v4.41.5`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.5) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.4...v4.41.5) ### Bugfixes - handle relative paths with `webpack://` prefix in SourceMaps correctly - fixes a non-determinism about `providedExports` with `export *` which caused changing module hashes and unnecessary HMR invalidation ### [`v4.41.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.4) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.3...v4.41.4) ### Bugfixes - fix case where `__webpack_require__.e` is not a function when using module concatenation - fix incorrect imported module when using sideEffects in a certain constellation of export names ### Performance - lazy-require Webassembly related modules for improved startup performance ### [`v4.41.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.2...v4.41.3) ### Security - force upgrade terser-webpack-plugin dependency for security fix (not affecting webpack) ### Funding - add npm funding field to package.json ### [`v4.41.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.1...v4.41.2) ### Bugfixes - fix issue with invalide timezone ### [`v4.41.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.41.0...v4.41.1) ### Bugfixes - fix incorrect request shortening when directory looks similar to parent directory - fix crash when timezone is unknown ### [`v4.41.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.41.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.3...v4.41.0) ### Developer Experience - disallow cache group named test with shorthand syntax to point out a potential config error ### Performance - Improve performance of LimitChunkCountPlugin ### [`v4.40.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.2...v4.40.3) ### Bugfixes - fix a bug that the HMR plugin affected child compilations ### Performance - improve performance of splitChunks name option by caching hashed value - improve rebuild performance by caching module size computation ### [`v4.40.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.1...v4.40.2) ### Bugfixes - fix a bug where asset is undefined ### [`v4.40.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.40.0...v4.40.1) ### Bugfixes - convert "multiple assets emit to the same filename" error into a warning - compare asset content when multiple assets emit to the same filename ### [`v4.40.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.40.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.3...v4.40.0) ### Features - adds asset info for emitted assets - new methods allow easy emitting/updating of assets `compilation.emitAsset/updateAsset` (instead of accessing the Object `compilation.assets`) - new getter methods to get assets `compilation.getAssets()` and `compilation.getAsset(name)` - 3 flags in asset info: - `immutable`: when set an asset can be cache infinitely - `development`: when set an asset is some kind of development tool (i. e. a SourceMap) - `hotModuleReplacement`: when set an asset is generated for an hot update - Stats expose `info` object in assets - String version of Stats show flags ### [`v4.39.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.2...v4.39.3) ### Bugfixes - fix a missing module in chunk caused by incorrect chunk graph generation of async chunks ### [`v4.39.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.1...v4.39.2) ### Bugfixes - fix ProfilingPlugin not ending traces correctly ### [`v4.39.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.39.0...v4.39.1) ### Bugfixes - fix problem that progress lines were too long on some terminals - fix a problem that `...100%` is displayed instead of `100%` ### [`v4.39.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.39.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.38.0...v4.39.0) ### Features - Infrastructure logger for node.js has now colors + symbols to mark different kind of messages - Logger API has now a `status` method which allows to write temporary status messages - ProgressPlugin default handler uses the Infrastructure Logger status message to output messages - Placeholders in paths can now be escaped with i. e. `[\id\]` - `Compiler.hooks.assetEmitted` have been added to get byte content of emitted assets ### Bugfixes - Logging output is now aligned to have space for symbols - renamed `Compiler.hooks.infrastructurelog` to `Compiler.hooks.infrastructureLog` - Properties that are defined on the Object.prototype can now be chunk ids (i. e. `constructor`) - `library.name` now supports placeholders in `libraryTarget: "system"` - 2 places were module profiles were incorrectly captured were fixed ### Dependencies - Forced upgrade of all direct dependencies - webpack-sources + terser-webpack-plugin comes with quality optimizations for SourceMaps ### [`v4.38.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.38.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.37.0...v4.38.0) ### Performance - Improved performance of ProgressPlugin - Improved performance of chunk graph generation - This can boost performance when many chunks are used, especially incremental build performance - Modules from parent chunks are now tracked during chunk graph generation, which allows to skip these modules in async chunks. This often renders `optimization.removeAvailableModules` unneeded, expect in scenarios where chunks are merged during optimization. - `optimization.removeAvailableModules` is now disabled in development mode by default - `optimization.removeAvailableModules` will be disabled for all modes in next major release, feel free to disable it in production too if you want extra performance. ### [`v4.37.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.37.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.36.1...v4.37.0) ### Features - add logging API (see [#9436](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/pull/9436) for details) ### [`v4.36.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.36.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.36.0...v4.36.1) ### Bugfixes - fix regression in 4.36.0 when using happypack ### [`v4.36.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.36.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.3...v4.36.0) ### Features - SourceMapDevToolPlugin `append` option now supports the default placeholders in addition to `[url]` - Arrays in resolve and parser options (Rule and Loader API) support backreferences with `"..."` when overriding options. ### [`v4.35.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.2...v4.35.3) ### Bugfixes - update acorn to include `import()` ### Performance - Improved runtime performance for large JSON modules ### [`v4.35.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.1...v4.35.2) ### Bugfixes - `realResource` must match absolute paths ### [`v4.35.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.35.0...v4.35.1) ### Bugfixes - add `realResource` condition in rule to schema - fixes order of loaders when using a matchResource ### [`v4.35.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.35.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.34.0...v4.35.0) ### Features - ProgressPlugin limit output to column width in terminal - add `Watching.suspend` and `Watching.resume` - add `splitChunks.automaticNameMaxLength` and `splitChunks.cacheGroups[x].automaticNameMaxLength` ### Bugfixes - webworker target now respect `publicPath` when loading chunks - holey arrays of configs will fail the validation ### [`v4.34.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.34.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.33.0...v4.34.0) ### Features - Error message when parsing fails shows used loaders now ### Bugfixes - importing the namespace object from non-ESM (CJS) modules no longer leads to an warning - Error message in HMR logging works for Firefox too now - Parser understands block scoping now ### [`v4.33.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.33.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.2...v4.33.0) ### Features - add `target: "electron-preload"` for electron 5 - renderer should use `target: "web"` in electron 5 ### Bugfixes - fix HMR rejection of removed and readded self-accepted modules ### [`v4.32.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.1...v4.32.2) ### Bugfixes - fix some weird schema validation messages - fix problem in production mode (sideEffects + concatenation) which caused reexported values to become undefined (bug since 4.32.0) ### [`v4.32.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.32.0...v4.32.1) ### Bugfixes - reverts some changes from 4.32.0 which accidentally disabled some CommonJs features when using `node: false`. ### [`v4.32.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.32.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.31.0...v4.32.0) ### Features - Added `this.mode` to the loader API, to allow loaders to choose defaults by `mode` similar to webpacks options - Stack Trace for Errors in rejected Promises from `import()` now includes the stack from where the `import()` was called ### Bugfixes - The Parser can now analyse identifiers in rest patterns too - `const { a, ...rest } = obj`, where `rest` conflicts with an imported binding etc. - `node: false` now correctly disables `__dirname` and `__filename` too - `__dirname` and `__filename` now no longer evaluates to something when `node: false` or `node.__file/dirname: false` is set - `if(__dirname !== "")` is no longer replaced with `if(true)` in such scenarios - prefetching chunks is no executed **after** the initial module evaluation - This allows to override i. e. `__webpack_public_path__` for prefetching too - fixes a runtime crash when using side-effect-free modules with the DllPlugin ### Contribute - CI tests node.js 12 now too - webpack-bot now merges dependabot PRs automatically when status checks succeed ### [`v4.31.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.31.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.30.0...v4.31.0) ### Features - add `errors-warnings` stats preset ### Bugfixes - allow top-level return in non-ESM modules ### [`v4.30.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.30.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.6...v4.30.0) ### Features - add `amd: false` to disable AMD support - `Compilation.hooks.finishModules` now also allows async plugins - add `output.libraryTarget: "system"` to compile for SystemJs environment ### Bugfixes - fix generating a `null` id when concatenating an entry module in a different chunk - fix unneeded chunk references when splitting modules from chunks - fix parsing of function name in function scope ### Performance - Lazy require some internal files - Faster way to generate function headers ### Contributing - Run prettier on examples markdown ### [`v4.29.6`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.6) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.5...v4.29.6) ### Bugfixes - typeof `__webpack_require__` and `require.onError` is no longer evaluated to `undefined` and evaluation is done at runtime instead. - `this` value in `module.hot.accept` with imported dependency is correctly preserved. - webassemblyjs updated to latest version ### Contributing - added a linting step to ensure all dependencies resolve to `npm` modules ### [`v4.29.5`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.5) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.4...v4.29.5) ### Bugfixes - update `@webassemblyjs` to remove git dependency ### [`v4.29.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.4) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.3...v4.29.4) ### Bugfixes - update `@webassemblyjs` for bugfixes ### [`v4.29.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.2...v4.29.3) ### Bugfixes - fixes a bug where `import()` context uses `__webpack_require__.e`, but it is not in the runtime - WebpackErrors now console.log correctly in node > 10 ### [`v4.29.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.1...v4.29.2) ### Internal changes - update dependencies ### [`v4.29.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.29.0...v4.29.1) ### Bugfixes - add missing `__esModule` flag when modules are concatenated, but without usage information ### [`v4.29.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.29.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.4...v4.29.0) ### Important Note for npm users This release updates some dependencies, which may trigger a npm bug. See [here for the webpack issue](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8656). The [npm bug](https://npm.community/t/packages-with-peerdependencies-are-incorrectly-hoisted/4794) has [been fixed](https://togithub.com/npm/cli/pull/147), but a new npm version has not been released yet. For workarounds see [this comment](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8656#issuecomment-456713191). Eventually the fix will be to upgrade npm once the bugfix is released. ### Features - update acorn to v6 - limit the number of in parallel written output files to 15 - add `output.futureEmitAssets` which gives the emitting logic of webpack 5 - assets are replaced with SizeOnlySources - reading assets after emitting is no longer allowed - This allows memory to be garbage-collected ### [`v4.28.4`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.4) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.3...v4.28.4) ### Bugfixes - `ProfilingPlugin` creates output path if not existing - fixed support for arrow function functions for `optimization.minimizer` - failed hooks is now also called when `run()` fails ### [`v4.28.3`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.2...v4.28.3) ### Bugfixes - ProfilingPlugin creates the output folder if necessary ### [`v4.28.2`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.1...v4.28.2) ### Bugfixes - fixes a crash when multiple IgnorePlugins are used ### [`v4.28.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.28.0...v4.28.1) ### Bugfixes - fix error in IgnorePlugin when no contextRegExp is passed ### [`v4.28.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.28.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.27.1...v4.28.0) ### Features - IgnorePlugin: `checkResource` has an additional `context` argument ### Bugfixes - Injection of node.js globals has been disabled for `.mjs` files as it's crashing ### [`v4.27.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.27.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.27.0...v4.27.1) ### Bugfixes - v4.27.0 accidentially introduced a breaking change. This reverts the change and restores the original behavior for `splitChunks` `enforce`. ### [`v4.27.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.27.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.26.1...v4.27.0) ### Features - When using functions as plugins they are now also called with the compiler as parameter - This make it possible to use arrow functions as plugins - splitChunks.maxSize now emits a warning when minSize > maxSize - Loaders have now access to a `getResolve` method to create their own resolver function with custom options ### Bugfixes - splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now behaves as documented and enforce chunk creation - splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now no longer deletes minSize for maxSize - fixes a bug where splitChunks cause cacheGroups to be incorrectly merged when using the same name - now conditions are considered per cacheGroup - the correct cache group comment is displayed in stats - fixes a bug which causes providedExports not to be updated on rebuilds when using `export * from` ### [`v4.26.1`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.26.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.26.0...v4.26.1) ### Bugfixes - fix a bug where splitChunks.maxSize causes a hanging build - fix a bug where splitChunks.maxSize crashes when minSize > maxSize - fix a edgecase where splitChunks.maxSize can cause chunks bigger than minSize - remove unnecessary code from global builtin ### [`v4.26.0`](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.26.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/webpack/webpack/compare/v4.25.1...v4.26.0) ### Features - Switch from uglify-es to terser as default minimizer Note: While they are officially backward-compatible, it can still happen that a new bugs occurs with terser, which break your production builds. Make sure to validate your production builds after upgrading to this version. (Note that it's always a good idea to test your output assets before deploying.) If you want to report bugs to terser (Renovate configuration
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