Open chocotwig opened 4 years ago
What is the command and version of tophat2 are you using? Rascaf needs mate pairs that aligned to two different chromosomes/scaffolds to scaffold the contigs, can you see such alignments in the bam file? Thanks.
I use bowtie2 to index,
bowtie2-build $sourceDir/$sourceName $descriptor
Then I use TopHat v2.0.13
tophat --read-mismatches 4 --read-gap-length 5 --segment-mismatches 3 --read-edit-dist 5 $workDir/$descriptor read_pair1 read_pair2
And yes, there seem to be read pairs aligning to different contigs/scaffolds. Example (SAM format)
SNPSTER3_0685:8:17:10090:20024#0 321 scaffold_8645 18788 0 40M contig_24906 72621 0 GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA fefdhdfdfdfgcehghfeeddgdeedbdabb]aa_aa_W AS:i:0 XN:i:0 XM:i:0 XO:i:0 XG:i:0 NM:i:0 MD:Z:40 YT:Z:UU NH:i:20 CC:Z:contig_69 CP:i:121336 HI:i:1
These two entries are the secondary alignment, and Rascaf uses the primary alignments. The primary alignments might be on different chromosomes. You may try commands like: samtools view -F 0x90C sample.bam | awk '$7!="="' | wc -l
I think Tophat2 works better on reads with length more than 75bp. Can you try alingers like Hisat?
Thanks, the output for the command you suggested is
What are your thoughts on this?
I will also try Hisat in the meanwhile.
Hi, I used TopHat to align my RNAseq PE reads. I'm getting absolutely no improvements on the final assembly, and I'm suspicious that I'm doing something wrong, because I did get decent improvements with L_RNA_scaffolder.
rascaf -b $workDir/tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam -f $sourceDir/$sourceName -o "$descriptor"_rascafOut -v -ms 1
Output: Found 355447 exon blocks. Found 212574 gene blocks. Found 0 non-trivial gene block components.rascaf-join -ignoreGap -r "$descriptor"_rascafOut.out -o "$descriptor"_rascafJoinOut.ignoreGap -ms 1
Output Found raw assembly file: (...assembly.fasta) Finish reading the rascaf output files. Finish removing cycles in the graph. Finish ordering the scaffolds. There is no change to the number of contigs, scaffolds, N50, etc. Could you please help me out?Thanks!