Closed macmanes closed 6 years ago
Li: another enhancement
accept reads on stdin, write them to stdout..
seqtk mergepe $HOME/reads/kidney.1.fq.gz $HOME/reads/kidney.2.fq.gz \ | skewer -l 25 -m pe --mean-quality $trim --end-quality $trim -t 8 -x $HOME/TruSeq3-PE.fa - -1 \ | perl $HOME/Rcorrector/ -t 8 -k 25 -i /dev/stdin -od /dev/stdout \ | --max-memory-usage 6e9 -C 30 -o - - \ | jellyfish count -m 25 -s 700M -t 8 -C -o /dev/stdout /dev/stdin \ | jellyfish histo /dev/stdin -o trimmed.yes.normalize.histo
You can use "-stdout" to let Rcorrector output the result to stdout.
Li: another enhancement
accept reads on stdin, write them to stdout..