Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\localadmin\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\guilded\", line 201, in websocket_process
await c(*ctx.arguments)
File "c:\RitaBot\PythonGuilded\", line 45, in translate
translate1 = translate(argstr, Lang, "auto")
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
I'm using it like follows:
import mtranslate
from mtranslate import translate
def converttostr(input_seq, seperator):
# Join all strings in list
final_str = seperator.join(input_seq)
return final_str
def translate(ctx, *args):
message = ctx.message.content
message = message[11:]
msgList = message.split()
Lang = msgList[0]
del msgList[0]
seperator=" "
argstr = converttostr(input_seq=msgList, seperator=seperator)
translate1 = translate(argstr, Lang, "auto")
I've tried just adding in static strings instead of splitting up arguments from another library and same error.
I'm using it like follows:
I've tried just adding in static strings instead of splitting up arguments from another library and same error.
Anyone have any solution?