Open mouxdesign opened 2 years ago
The goal of this document is to plan the process on how UX research will be conducted on 2-3 Lighting and Onchain wallets. The content of the research conducted will be completely open and transparent and documented here.
With the goal of moving towards mass adoption of both bitcoin and lighting products a decision was made to find the best combination that would be best from a users perspective.
The hypothesis is that:
A wallet that focuses on onchain and lighting providing users both solutions in one would lead not only to ease of use but would also increase daily use from a usability perspective.
There are currently few wallets in the ecosystem which perform this well, yet many wallets focus on either or. Either onchain or lighting due to development complexities as well as UX challenges in building this complex user flow. Placing users at the center of the product development process the research aims to get closer to users themselves and so facilitate a user-centric product development process in the industry.
Wallets that research could be conducted on:
To understand what are some the main use cases in which wallet users are using a wallet on a daily basis.
While comparing the user interfaces of various wallets we will be able to identify common patterns and trends and also identify any patterns that are being used by UX designers.
The shortest journey that the user needs to take to complete their goal will seek to be understood. In other words how can the users journey be not only shortened but also simplified.
We want to establish a core set of accessibility practices within the development of future LN wallets and do do this we first need to identify what that looks like and what it means on a very practical level on the UI side of things.
During conducting the research process itself research tools will be created for the UX Research Toolkit. Some of the items that can be created based on the needs of the ecosystem and learnings from the research process are (but not limited to):
The following specific parts of the user flow can be looked at depending on where the community feels the biggest problem areas lie.
Step 1: Create a screening questions document
Step 2: Circulate screening document
Step 3: Conduct and record usability tests
Step 4: Analyse usability tests
Step 5: Contribute test findings to bitcoin design guide
After speaking with Christoph and Bosch I have decided to further narrow the lens. In the beginning only focusing on lighting wallets to begin and from there building resources for the UX research toolkit. After that point LN + Onchain wallets can be investigated. Focusing on one narrow area will allow for a more indepth analysis.
Google doc with data about the various wallets
Ideally for good UX research to take place we should work with 3 different sources of data. We can then triangulate the data which then helps us to come to conclusions and reccomendations.
I've had the idea to create a written explanation of how to conduct a simple competitive analysis for the bitcoin design guide as well.
The idea would be that this would then be linked to the UX research toolkit.
Research planning
The goal of this document is to plan the process on how UX research will be conducted on 2-3 Lighting and Onchain wallets. The content of the research conducted will be completely open and transparent and documented here.
With the goal of moving towards mass adoption of both bitcoin and lighting products a decision was made to find the best combination that would be best from a users perspective.
The hypothesis is that: A wallet that focuses on onchain and lighting providing users both solutions in one would lead not only to ease of use but would also increase daily use from a usability perspective.
There are currently few wallets in the ecosystem which perform this well, yet many wallets focus on either or. Either onchain or lighting due to development complexities as well as UX challenges in building this complex user flow. Placing users at the center of the product development process the research aims to get closer to users themselves and so facilitate a user-centric product development process in the industry.
Wallets that research could be conducted on:
Onchain and Lightning
Onchain only
Lightning only
Goals of Research
What is the use case? Gets paid in bitcoin and wants to spend it
Identify the main pain points Identify specific sections which need to be redesigned (example onboarding) Identify happy path
To identify core accessibility issues when using lighting wallets Create an accessibility testing guide for LN wallet builders so they can test their own wallets Create accessibility checklist
Screen states:
To identify which particular screen states are confusing to users
During conducting the research process itself research tools will be created for the UX Research Toolkit. Some of the items that can be created based on the needs of the ecosystem and learnings from the research process are (but not limited to): Usability test playbook (to be added it UX Research toolkit) Create a usability test playbook to be added to UX Research toolkit/bitcoin design guide UX flow kit (to be added it UX Research toolkit) Create a ux flow kit *User journey process (to be added it UX Research toolkit) Create an explanation of how to implement the research conducted into the users journey.
Focus Areas
The following specific parts of the user flow can be looked at depending on where the community feels the biggest problem areas lie.
Sample size: 5 users per wallet
Step 1: Create a screening questions document
Step 2: Circulate screening document
Step 3: Conduct and record usability tests
Step 4: Analyse usability tests
Step 5: Contribute test findings to bitcoin design guide