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Blixt Wallet Case Study #4

Open mouxdesign opened 2 years ago

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

For the Blixt wallet design sprint we are in the process of creating a case study so that this can be added to the bitcoin design guide.

A draft has been created so far.

Blixt Wallet Case Study

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

The Blixt wallet design sprint has been wrapped up and I'm now in the process of creating a case study for it.

We have tested the prototype we created and noted down the main observations here.

Now in the process of presenting the findings and insights in a visual way that is easy to understand.

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

Group 2395 Group 2397

Group 2398 Group 2399 Group 2400 Group 2401 Group 2403 Group 2404 Group 2406 Presentation Mobile

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

Updated the screens and rephrased the suggestion section in the form of a question: how might we...

Group 2407 Group 2409 Group 2410 Group 2411 Group 2412 Group 2413 Group 2414 Group 2415 Group 2416 ![Uploading Presentation Mobile.jpg…]()

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

Blixt Wallet: Summary of Key observations


Personalization in usability is usually seen as a positive thing which allows users to make changes to the interface which can allow them to “make it their own”. There are different forms of personalization, some could be allowing a user to switch from dark to light mode or allowing them to select a different font type. It could also include a user being able to add their name to the interface. From the usability tests some users found the adding of their name at the beginning of the onboarding journey to be something unusual, most testers reacted with surprise. Adding a user name which is linked to all lighting transactions might make a user feel that their privacy is not protected.

Opening a channel

Opening channels is something unique to lighting wallets and an essential first step during the onboarding process. For users completely new to lightning, opening a channel in itself is something that is new and unique to them. It is then nice to explain to users the reason as to why a channel should be opened prior to presenting them with the channel opening screen. An example of the text could read:

Explaining the concept of opening a channel to a user that has never used a lightning wallet

“First things first to use your lightning wallet, you’ll need to set up a channel. Think of a channel as your electricity connection to the lightning network. By opening a channel you are able to make transactions.

To open a channel first we will need to add some bitcoin to it. Once that is done you will be ready to make your first transaction.”

How can we?

Setting expectations at the beginning of the onboarding process

How can we?

  1. Open a channel

  2. Fund the wallet

  3. Back up the wallet

Funding a wallet

How can we?

There are various ways in which a user can initially fund a wallet:

  1. By buying btc

  2. By sending btc from another lighting wallet

  3. By sending btc from an onchain wallet

Providing Confirmation

How can we?

Confirmation of the address being copied seems to be something that users are familiar with from other Lightning wallet interfaces.

Home: Send/Receive screen

Overall users who tested really liked the overall design of the homescreen. It was also something that was also very familiar to them as they have seen it in other lighting wallets.

Some additions which we could think about are: Adding a toggle on the base currency so that even if the wallet auto selects the currency initially, a user will still have the freedom to change it to another currency of their choice.

How can we?

Ideas might be to add in a modal overlay on this home screen that prevents users from clicking the buttons, instead nudging them to back up their wallet first before transacting.

Back up Channels Screen

How can we?

An idea might be to back up the wallet only after the first transaction has been completed.

Confirmation screen

Although lightning fee amounts are small it might be an idea to also allow users the ability to see the fee in their own currency.

How can we?

Sent screen

How can we?

mouxdesign commented 2 years ago

Initial idea for the case study which could then be added to the case study section of the bitcoin design guide


How do we help new users to open lightning channels?

Blixt Wallet is a non-custodial open-source Bitcoin Lightning Wallet for Android and iOS with a focus on usability and user experience.

Blixt is has a goal of serving users who new to lightning but are familiar with bitcoin but want to try out the lightning network for the first time. The current userbase of Blixt tend to be more advanced users and Blixt would like to move towards catering more for users who want to try out the lightning network as well.

What does Blixt do?

Group 2417 (1)

Since Blixt is an open source wallet we collected user research simply by going on their Discord channel and collecting comments and questions from users.

We discovered that Blixt users were mostly struggling to open lightning channels.

We created alot of different user flows, and eventually settled on this one.

Group 2419

One of the biggest challenges we faced was… Helping users to onboard themselves quickly and easily even if they have not used a lightning wallet before

Here's how we solved it


Then we tested to check if our solution was the right one

We did this by doing some usability tests, to do those usability tests we first:

  1. Created a prototype based on the userflow the Blixt wallet interface that we re-designed
  2. Narrowed down our scope in terms of who we wanted to test as well as the goals of conducting the tests
  3. We then conducted the test, simple quick 30 minute video calls with volunteers who then tested out the prototype live

We gained alot of insights by doing these tests...we learnt that....