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bump braintree to 4.17.1 #1054

Closed jdw25 closed 1 month ago

jdw25 commented 1 month ago

As mentioned in this bug report, the currently pinned version of braintree (4.0.0) is a yanked version (due to "critical bugs" -- see more here).

While this PR bumps to earliest non-yanked version (4.17.1) The latest version is 4.28, however it appears 4.18-4.28 all give Deprecation Warnings

(Thought being: handle immediate issue first, then worry about upgrade to latest, if/as needed)

anzelpwj commented 1 month ago

Make sure to update the dependency in as well!

anzelpwj commented 1 month ago

@jdw25 and I chatted about this, and came to the conclusion that since this is a version yank issue (rather than needing to be above a certain version to ensure compatibility) we can leave the version unpinned. Pip should not grab yanked versions by default.

jdw25 commented 1 month ago

Also: given the changes-in-the-works for build configuration -- including direct impacts for (see here) --

thinking it prob makes sense to eschew incremental improvements in config of and just waiting for / focusing on the more fundamental changes above. More explicitly: since braintree is currently unpinned in _extrasrequire under if limited_deps.strip().upper() in ("1", "YES", "TRUE", "ON"): and the else is set to just grab from requirements.txt ... just leave it like that for now.