move-language / move

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Unable to parse Move package manifest #1098

Closed kvitlich closed 4 months ago

kvitlich commented 4 months ago

I am getting error in VSStudio


In .toml file:

name = "test"
path = "path = "Project/Main.move"   

name = "poker"

Sui = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework", rev = "framework/testnet" }

poker = "0x0"

And also this error


When i have this in .toml file:

name = "testnet"

Sui = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework", rev = "framework/testnet" }

poker = "0x0"

I followed this instructions on and i am expecting this features available: compiler diagnostics go to definition go to type definition go to references type on hover outline view showing symbol tree for Move source files

But when i open the .move file they does't work and i am getting this errors.

P.S. I followed instructions clearly and reinstalled all the packages several times.

P.S. I use Windows 11