move-language / move

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VSCode sui-move-analyzer plugin problem #1109

Open cyberpo9t opened 2 months ago

cyberpo9t commented 2 months ago

When I use the sui-move-analyzer plugin in VSCode, I encountered the following issues:

parse manifest '"/home/user/.move/https___github_com_MystenLabs_sui_git_framework__testnet/crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework" 'failed.
 addr must exactly 32 length or start with '0x' like '0x2'
Error parsing '[package]' section of manifest

Caused by:
    Invalid 'edition'. Unsupported edition "2024.beta". Current supported editions include: "legacy", "2024.alpha"

My Move.toml :

name = "task1"

version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2024.alpha"
license = "MIT"
authors = ["Joe Smith ("]

Sui = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework", rev = "framework/testnet" }

task1 = "0x0"



My VSCode settings.json:

  "sui-move-analyzer.server.path": "~/.cargo/bin/sui-move-analyzer",
  "move-analyzer.server.path": "~/.cargo/bin/move-analyzer",
  "move.server.path": "~/.cargo/bin/move-analyzer"

The command executed during the installation of sui-move-analyzer is:

cargo install --git --branch sui_move_analyzer sui-move-analyzer

I made some attempts to resolve this issue, and eventually, I found that installing sui-move-analyzer with another command, while keeping all configurations unchanged, solved the problem.

cargo install --git --branch move-analyzer2 move-analyzer

By using this command to install move-analyzer and then renaming it to sui-move-analyzer, the issue was perfectly resolved. So, is there a bug in the sui_move_analyzer branch?

MentalistTR commented 2 months ago

for the beta version you should mystan labs move analyzer